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IM AWESOME! i go to Broklyn Park Middle school and in the 7th grade! i love sc8 broading and im in the school chours. i have 5 cats, 2 dogs, 2 hamsters, and 4 fish.
soccer indoor im gollie outdoor im (front line) im a wing. and i love s8t broading! i love singing and i write a lil potery. my idol is Avril LLavigne.
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i like pop Avril Lavigne is my fav singer fall out boi is my fav band and nicle back is the 2nd best green day is pretty good 2
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Goerage Lopez is my fav show i really dont have a fav movie tool time is prtty good. i dont watch much tv most of the time im on the compute
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Random Thoughts
a blonde joke
Posted on: May 28, 2008, at 02:46:19pm   [0 comments]

Why do Blondes wear Pony-Tails?
To hide the Air Valve!

How do you know when a blonde has been at the computer?
There's white out all over the screen.

Why did the blond have a sore belly button?
Her boyfriend was also blonde.

What's the difference between a blond and a brick?
When you lay a brick it doesn't follow you around.

What's the difference between a blonde and a mosquito?
When you slap a mosquito it stops sucking.

How do you confuse a blond?
Put her in a curricular room and tell her to pee in the corner.

How does a blonde confuse you?
Tells you she did it.

What does a blonde an a computer have in common?
You never appreciate either one until they go down on you.

How do you change a blondes mind?
Blow in her ear.

What do you call a blond with a dollar on her head?
All you can eat under a buck.

What is the similarity between a smart blond, Santa and the tooth fairy?
They are all make believe.

Why did the blond climb on the roof?
She heard that drinks were on the house.

What does a blonde say when you asked her what the last two words of the national anthem are?
Play ball.

How do you tell when a blonde is having a bad day?
There is a tampon behind her ear and she can't find her pencil.

What do you call a blond with a half brain?

How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One... blondes will screw anything.

What is the difference between blondes and government bonds?
Bonds mature, blondes don't.

How do you tell if a blonde is sexually satisfied?
Who cares.

Why do blondes rub their eyes when they wake up?
They don't have balls to scratch.

What do you do when a blonde throws a grenade at you?
Pull the pin and throw it back.

What is the difference between a blonde and a bowling ball?
You can only put three fingers in a bowling ball.

How is a blonde different than a 747?
Not everyone has been in a 747.

Posted on: May 28, 2008, at 02:35:06pm   [1 comment]
1. Pubic hair is a wild rabbit in the Outback.
2. "Spread Eagle" is an extinct bird.
3. A menstrual cycle has three wheels.
4. The G-string is part of a violin.
5. Anus is the Latin word for yearly.
6. Testicles are found on an octopus.
7. Foetus is a character in "Gunsmoke".
8. An umbilical cord is part of a parachute.
9. A diaphragm is a drawing in geometry.
10. A lesbian is a person from the Middle East.
11. Sodomy is a special kind of fast growing grass.
12. Genitals are people of non-Jewish origins.
13. Douche is the Italian word for twelve.
14. An enema is someone who is not your friend.
15. Scrotum is a small moon orbiting Uranus.
16. Climax is a weather balloon.
17. Condom is a small apartment complex.
18. Menopause is a button on the VHS remote control.

blonde joke
Posted on: May 28, 2008, at 02:33:12pm   [0 comments]
A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Florida. She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes in the worst way, but was very reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking. After becoming very frustrated with the "no haggle" attitude of one of the shopkeepers, the blonde shouted, "Maybe I'll just go out and catch my own alligator so I can get a pair of shoes at a reasonable price!"

The shopkeeper said, "By all means, be my guest. Maybe you'll luck out and catch yourself a big one!"

Determined, the blonde turned and headed for the swamps, set on catching herself an alligator.

Later in the day, the shopkeeper is driving home when he spots the young woman standing waist deep in the water, shotgun in hand. Just then, he sees a huge 9 foot alligator swimming quickly toward her.

She takes aim, kills the creature and with a great deal of effort hauls it on to the swamp bank. Laying nearby were several more of the dead creatures.

The shopkeeper watches in amazement. Just then the blonde flips the alligator on its back, and frustrated, shouts out, "Darn it, this one isn't wearing any shoes either!"

blonde joke
Posted on: May 28, 2008, at 02:27:28pm   [0 comments]
There were three people stranded on an island, a brunette, a redhead, and a blonde. The brunette looked over the water to the mainland and estimated about 20 miles to shore. So she announced, "I'm going to try to swim to shore." So she swam out five miles, and got really tired. She swam out ten miles from the island, and she was too tired to go on, so she drowned.

The second one, the redhead, said to herself, "I wonder if she made it. I guess it's better to try to get to the mainland than stay here and starve." So she attempts to swim out. The redhead had a lot more endurance than the brunette, as she swam out 10 miles before she even got tired. After 15 miles, she was too tired to go on, so she drowned.

So the blonde thought to herself, "I wonder if they made it! I think I'd better try to make it, too." So she swam out 5 miles, ten miles, fifteen miles, and finally nineteen miles from the island. The shore was just in sight, but she said, "I'm too tired to go on!" So she swam back.

Posted on: May 28, 2008, at 02:24:30pm   [0 comments]
Artery -- Study of paintings
Bacteria -- Back door of cafeteria
Barium -- What doctors do when treatment fails
Bowel -- Letter like A.E.I.O.U
Caesarean section -- District in Rome
Cat scan -- Searching for kitty
Cauterize -- Made eye contact with her
Colic -- Sheep dog
Coma -- A punctuation mark
Congenital -- Friendly
D&C -- Where Washington is
Diarrhea -- Journal of daily events
Dilate -- To live long
Enema -- Not a friend
Fester -- Quicker
Fibula -- A small lie
G.I. Series -- Soldiers' ball game
Grippe -- Suitcase
Hangnail -- Coathook
Impotent -- Distinguished, well known
Intense pain -- Torture in a teepee
Labor pain -- Got hurt at work
Medical staff -- Doctor's cane
Morbid -- Higher offer
Nitrate -- Cheaper than day rate
Node -- Was aware of
Outpatient -- Person who had fainted
Pelvis -- Cousin of Elvis
Post operative -- Letter carrier
Protein -- Favoring young people
Rectum -- It almost killed him
Recovery room -- Place to do upholstery
Rheumatic -- Amorous
Scar -- Rolled tobacco leaf
Secretion -- Hiding anything
Seizure -- Roman emperor
Serology -- Study of knighthood
Tablet -- Small table
Terminal illness -- Sickness at airport
Tibia -- Country in North Africa
Tumor -- An extra pair
Urine -- Opposite of you're out
Varicose -- Located nearby
Vein - Conceited

Comment wall
lump189 writes...
at 1:22:58pm on 7/22/08
*cry* i cant come on here anymore i wish i could tell each and every1 of u goodvye but i cant well the ppl i told goodbiki u ust got lucky ill miss ya all! and i luv ya all and mayb wel;l meet agin someday!!!*cry*
Synthlight writes...
at 4:44:45pm on 4/28/08
First person to post on your wall.
