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Oh yeah
Posted on: August 5, 2012, at 01:52:31pm

forgot to say
Last night I was like "I'm facerolling these songs let's play for oni"
so I asked in skype chat "ok guys what song should I play for oni"
someone suggested club, that failed hard lol
then someone suggested rottel, I played that twice and got oni
gg trying mindblocked ehhs
gg derping bt37
gg j&c dropping three goods in the last 50 notes consistently
gg every other oni song ever

... why did nobody tell me rottel was so easy before now???

  1. Gjob crazy fagget

  2. I can't get past the first 50 notes in Rottel >.> mindblocks

  3. Man im fucking terrible on the intro in rottel.... that song can go to hell.
    anywho nice fucking Oni get man!

  4. same here