Zageron's FFR replays

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Song Results (Perf-Good-Avg-Miss-Boo) Max Combo Score Date
Fire 492 - 15 - 2 - 11 - 20 135 406,025 1/23/13
AIM Anthem 728 - 6 - 0 - 2 - 1 511 912,410 9/27/12
Fantranstic 877 - 24 - 0 - 3 - 10 492 979,820 3/7/12
Air 1,870 - 66 - 2 - 2 - 11 1,555 2,600,920 2/16/12
{Blaze} 1,328 - 44 - 0 - 0 - 13 1,372 2,114,240 5/28/11
Gradeus 1,492 - 13 - 0 - 0 - 10 1,505 2,328,975 1/5/11
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Zageron's R^3 replays

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Song Results (Perf-Good-Avg-Miss-Boo) Max Combo Score Date
Excite Bike [Light] 25 - 7 - 0 - 0 - 0 32 47,675 6/17/21
GIN TONIC FLAVOR 1,109 - 80 - 9 - 8 - 18 570 1,199,605 12/8/18
AIM Anthem 507 - 180 - 37 - 12 - 36 251 576,945 1/5/18
Slam the Door (Rogue Remix) 853 - 81 - 0 - 3 - 4 494 984,415 11/16/17
Flame Repellent 1,100 - 43 - 3 - 1 - 11 1,131 1,747,460 11/14/17
Nanairopanda 1,074 - 87 - 11 - 9 - 24 393 1,004,960 11/14/17
bbblow 744 - 27 - 2 - 1 - 2 714 1,130,385 10/26/17
Rat Twist 1,044 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 1,044 1,618,200 10/14/14
Synaxis Symphony 699 - 7 - 0 - 0 - 2 706 1,092,335 10/14/14
AIM Anthem 736 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 736 1,140,800 7/20/14
Endless Dream 928 - 2 - 0 - 0 - 0 930 1,440,950 7/19/14
MAX Forever 2,635 - 64 - 4 - 6 - 10 1,719 3,184,010 7/13/14
{Blaze} 1,362 - 10 - 0 - 0 - 0 1,372 2,123,850 7/13/14
Incognito 754 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 754 1,168,700 7/9/14
Vertex BETA 1,616 - 105 - 8 - 26 - 25 605 1,514,555 6/22/14
MAX Forever 2,550 - 134 - 9 - 16 - 18 1,052 2,486,525 6/20/14
Slam the Door (Rogue Remix) 884 - 46 - 3 - 4 - 8 440 937,615 11/25/13
AIM Anthem 736 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 736 1,140,800 10/30/13
Fantranstic 282 - 38 - 3 - 16 - 10 145 305,555 10/21/12
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