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FFR Player
FFR Rank:7,189
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FFR Games Played:342
Location:Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
Last Activity:09-15-2015
Forum Posts:16
Member for: 17.68 years
Gaming Region:Canada
Profile Views: 5,692
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27 / 1500
Notae's Details
About me:
Rhythm games win. I also enjoy card games, programming my own games, and even a board game every once in a while.
DDR, Stepmania, Guitar Hero, Math, Amateur Programming, Graphic Art, Computer Skills, Making Jokes (Self Satire is always fun), Meeting New People, Helping People Out, Capitalizing Lots Of Words, Sqeezing this List for All it's Worth...
Fav Music:
Electronica, Classical, and Classic Rock mostly. I like just about anything in DDR, ITG, and Guitar Hero.
Fav Movies:
Never been a huge movie buff, but the list goes on, and I can't even tell you which ones are the best.
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Random Thoughts
Upcoming simfiles
Posted on: October 12, 2008, at 09:17:24am   [2 comments]
The pipeline is filled to the brim with new files I've got planned.

First off, many people who read this will be well aware that I am a massive Dream Theater fan. In honour of that, I have decided to make simfiles of their 3 longest (and, coincidentally, my 3 favourite) songs: In the Presence of Enemies, Octavarium (in progress), and Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence (in progress). The latter, being 42 minutes long, will be done in much the same way as Disconnected Marathon PLUS! (currently 24 minutes long); it will be available as a single file, and each of the 7 movements will be available for individual download by request. The second movement (About to Crash) is finished, and the rest of the song will be charted movement-by-movement in some order I decide while I make them. More Dream Theater songs may also be coming along (a few other favourites of mine), so don't think I'll be done at those 3; I just might chart the entire discography before I die.

Readers of this message may also be aware that I am a huge fan of the Beat Max series of songs by Geo, and, after having made the official chart to the fifth song, I decided to make more charts to the other 4 (along with new artwork made in the image of the originals). Currently in progress is the chart for the 6th song (the finale) and, once it's finished, the entire set will be oploaded at once. I'm hoping a seasoned modified course writer can make a great course to go with these exceptionally hard files, as it would be a great honour to Geo and me, I'm sure.

A good friend of mine is getting into trance music artistry, and is writing some pretty great stuff (either for fun or for other purposes (like the background music for sweet video games that we conjure, for instance). He has given me permission to make charts to any of his music that I see fit, so don't be surprised if you see some original trance music coming along in the future.

I also occasionally find myself in the mood to make another PSO chart, so, again, don't be too surprised if you see more of those coming out of me.

Of course, there will always be other charts coming, so don't think this is the full extent of what I will make for the rest of my FFR tenure. Be prepared for anything.

I'm trying to strike a good balance between difficult, highly specialized keyboard charts and more basic (though, still difficult) paddable r21 charts. Dream Theater, Beat Max, and PSO all tend to fall well inside the former category (with some exception, including some in my latest batch of files), but the aforementioned trance music may be made paddable just to strike that much sought-after balance.

If you are really so interested in my work that you read that entire thought, please leave a comment with your thoughts; I'd love to hear for you.

This is a paid advertisement for nate mdance.
Posted on: February 3, 2008, at 08:26:24am   [0 comments]
Yesterday, nate mdance was kind enough to purchase me (and just about everyone else) a 3 month subscription to FFR. I believe that offocially makes me part of his cult following, and a random thought dedicated to him seems appropriate.

10-footers (DDR)
Posted on: December 8, 2007, at 07:52:57pm   [0 comments]

MAX 300
MAX 300 (Super-Max-Me-Mix)
Xepher (Oni)
Fascination ~eternal love mix~
Trip Machine PhoeniX (Oni)
the legend of MAX
Fascination MAXX


MaxX Unlimited
PARANOiA ~Respect~

Edit: I finally passed Fascination MAXX (and got an A at that)! I am happy and sore. XD

Posted on: August 23, 2007, at 07:34:35pm   [2 comments]
In 1896, there were a bunch of morons on a site, to be exact. Said morons annoyed a good portion of their fellow members on this site by spreading horror stories beginning with PLEASE DON'T READ, stories which outlined the story of murdered souls who want nothing more than for you to post large amounts of text all over a little known (but no less awesome) site. One day, a simfile artist by the name of Notae parodied these annoying stories and posted it on his profile shortly after seeing the stories turn up on his new simfiles in a matter of seconds after posting them. Now that you have read this, you will be forced to read these stories on more and more simfiles. The only way to stop it is to post this exact text on your profile, AND DELETE THOSE STUPID STORIES OFF YOUR SIMFILE COMMENTS.

Comment wall
GammaBlaster writes...
at 7:34:09am on 9/18/13
It's the guy who stepped TsuXomnigamusH.
jarsh writes...
at 8:06:04pm on 1/10/13
Hello Notae.
Sidek writes...
at 11:34:05pm on 11/1/11
Where can get your Files?
BlackTigerLilly582 writes...
at 3:26:54pm on 10/21/10
I know, right? i love this place!
BlackTigerLilly582 writes...
at 12:03:04am on 10/18/10
FFR is back motha f***a!
KEREMS#2 writes...
at 11:10:31pm on 8/24/09
thumbs up me back
RaN:DoM HeRo 1993 writes...
at 2:04:00pm on 8/21/09
gimma mah crd=ts bch please
i want my secret songs back.. MY PANTS! MY PANTS!
if you gave them away i will kill you. /joking
i will turn you into this chick.
BlackTigerLilly582 writes...
at 3:52:45pm on 8/20/09
Yeah but Im trying 2 get my natural hair color back. I actually dyed it twice. Now its finally growing out, n I cant wait till its back 2 normal. Then I might use the spay stuff again. the real color of my hair is dark blonde.
BlackTigerLilly582 writes...
at 12:35:34am on 8/19/09
It wasnt 2 bad. I used the "spray on" stuff. Thank gaw it was a Friday night. My hair did have a strawberry blonde look fer about 2 days... N I loved it. I wish I had a light strawberry blonde color, instead of the color I have now. <T-T>
BlackTigerLilly582 writes...
at 2:55:39pm on 8/15/09
Yeah, n my natural hair color is dark blonde. N the color I used was this color. So it was a durastic change.
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