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Broke 200-AAA mark...go me.
Posted on: December 2, 2011, at 02:41:23pm

Oops. Did I leave out an exclamation point there?

No. I want MOAR! But seriously: I don't have AAA's cuz of all the easy stuff I don't wanna whore. Everything up to lvl6 should be AAA'd. Maybe all 7's as well (blame my mental blocks in bursts as to why I can't just say "all 7's" atm). Too many goshdarn songs in this game. I know all the old-school pros would hate what I'm about to suggest, but a rolling archive of songs would be the stuff. New ones come in, old ones out. You wanna keep the "gems"? Fine, but archive them and don't put them on the scoreboards. Noobs shouldn't have to play 1000+ songs to fairly compare with other FFR players. Videogame sequels don't need your scores from the previous installments to 100% them. Old levels should be dismissed, imho.

Anyways, I could go on but that was a tangent. Yay I got 200 AAA's but my caliber is capable of more, yet the backtracking required is not worth it to me. This is why I'm waiting for the new TP system (which may still count AAA's but screw it).

Oh, and while I'm at it, I've currently got 666 FC's. Mwahahaha!