Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Average Rank:59,475
FFR Grandtotal Rank:451,877
FFR Grandtotal:8,412,210
FFR Games Played:165
Last Activity:02-02-2007
Member for: 17.45 years
Profile Views: 1,224
Profile Votes:2
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hot_emo_skater_chick1684's Details
About me:
im almost 13 . i have green eyes im in a emo/rock/screamo band and i love hot skater guys!this is my profile soooooooooooooooooo..............get ure own! table table table td { vertical-align: top; !important; } span.blacktext12 { visibility: visible !important; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; background-color: transparent; font-size: 0px; letter-spacing: -0.5px; width: 435px; height: 75px; display: block !important; } span.blacktext12 img { display: none; } </style> <Style type="text/css" source="" author="Thomas Zwaagstra"> table, tr, td{ background-color:transparent; border-style:none; } table table table, table table table td{ background-color:transparent; } body{ background-color:rgb(255,255,255); background-image:url(; background-position:bottom left; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-attachment:fixed; scrollbar-face-color:rgb(255,255,255); scrollbar-base-color:rgb(255,255,255); scrollbar-3dlight-color:rgb(0,153,204); 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skateboarding . playing in my band (shatterd souls) and i love hangin out with friends and meeting new people!
Fav Music:
my fave music is panic at the disco i love their band sooooooo much! im like upsesed with them!,afi,elanora,wich is my friends heavy metal band and that kind of stuff.
Fav Movies:
i love horrors amity vile horrer and grudge that kind of stuff
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Random Thoughts

Posted on: January 14, 2007, at 10:50:38am   [0 comments]

Posted on: January 13, 2007, at 10:45:15am   [0 comments]

Posted on: January 1, 2007, at 04:14:49pm   [0 comments]

Posted on: January 1, 2007, at 04:12:31pm   [0 comments]

Posted on: January 1, 2007, at 10:30:40am   [0 comments]

Comment wall
SaINtSaCTRiCRisM writes...
at 8:46:30pm on 2/24/07
yo be my friend plz and ill add u :)vist my profile too
RB_Dreamscanner writes...
at 5:43:08pm on 1/3/07
rofl when was i on your list o.O
hot_emo_skater_chick1684 writes...
at 7:59:50pm on 1/1/07
lol i wrote to myself
uh_hi555 writes...
at 10:28:24am on 12/31/06
yo waddup

Synthlight writes...
at 6:02:25pm on 12/30/06
First person to post on your wall.
