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Location:Chicago, Illinois, USA
Last Activity:10-17-2023
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Member for: 16.28 years
Gaming Region:USA - Great Lakes
Profile Views: 1,764
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eirixyuki's Details
About me:
Hey all. I'm Christina. Better known on the interweb as Lupin807. That's where you'll find me on deviantart. I make avatars and such. You can also find me on myspace - /shatteredxpromises. Also, if you're on, I'm there too, known as Satsumi Yuki. I just recently turned 18, which is awesome, because now I can buy cigarettes and lottery tickets. (ha.) So comment me, befriend me, show me some love. I don't bite. Usually.
I have lots of interests. My biggest fandom is of course, Harry Potter, but don't let that throw you off. I'm not your average nerd. I also love a multitude of animes, most notably: Gravitation, Death Note, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, and AzuMangaDiaoh. Anime/Manga recommendations would be very helpful to me. I also love music, dancing, anime conventions, raves, boy on boy action, and for some reason unbeknownst to me... ice hockey.
Fav Music:
Disturbed and Metallica are definitely my favorite bands, but i'll listen to anything as long as it's not country. Whiney boy bands, emo and rap/hip-hop music tends to get on my nerves. Especially these bands who call themselves "punk" but have never heard of the Sex Pistols. But I can tolerate anything... except country. Metal, Rock, Techno, J-Pop, J-Rock, Classical, Showtunes... yep. I listen to it all. Except country. (have I made that clear enough? lol)
Fav Movies:
I have so many favorites. Batman: The Dark Knight; The Lion King; Sweeney Todd; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; Saw; The Rocky Horror Picture Show; A Night at the Roxbury; The Breakfast Club; The Nightmare Before Christmas; and the Death Note live action movies... plus many more.
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Random Thoughts
92 Years Old Now!
Posted on: April 1, 2020, at 03:30:40pm   [0 comments]
I'm kidding, of course. I'm just 29 and feeling very nostalgic. I couldn't ignore the date it just so happens to be when I decided to post here after not posting for a literal 7 years.

I have to say... wow. Just. Wow. I really hope this site never, ever changes. It's like a continuous tribute to how the internet used to be in all of its glory. (This, and if we wanna go back even further:

The older I get, the more nostalgic I get about how things used to be, although that's a given for most adults. It's really amazing (and also pretty embarrassing... c'mon. Just look at that banner. Jesus. I'm cringing, lmao) to read all this stuff on my profile from different times in my life. I don't know about you (if anyone is actually reading this, lol) but when I was young and frequenting this site for hours at a time everyday (while also probably simultaneously editing my myspace page for hours to have the *coolest* profile) I never thought about trivial things - like things on the internet - changing. It's only after things have been gone that we notice their impact on our day to day lives...

Remember fucking farmville?! Remember getting 80 messages from your grandma's aunt's 3rd cousin for that shit?? Remember all those pages that were like, "when you make awkward eye contact with people at a red light" and you would just sit there laughing at all the things because they were 'LOL so true!' and click like 300 times or until your thumb fell off? (no? was it just me?)

Remember when YouTube was just a bunch of unpaid high schoolers with shitty cameras making hilarious videos FOR FUN that we would show to our friends... in person?

H'okay, do you remember all those flash animations that we found absolutely, positively hysterical and would constantly quote? (ttyl !...!...!...1) We just laughed and enjoyed it because we thought it was funny and harmless. We didn't have to have an entire analytical discussion concerning hot button political topics before we could ascertain whether or not the thing was okay or not okay to be enjoyed. We just did.

Even internet and troll speak has changed (the spoken English language is also changing, but I'll leave that discussion for the linguistics experts). u got pwnd by haxz0rz. (oh god, i'm cringing again remembering some of this stuff. people don't talk like that anymore, right? right? I don't know anymore. I'm just some friggin' cranky 92 year old lady now, I can't keep up with all this hip youth lingo that changes on a dime - depending on what's trending on the netflicks or the tickety-tocks of course. whippersnappers.)

Old jokes aside, things like AIM and your Top 8 Friends (Tom not included) are from a bygone era. It's always kind of sad to me when I remember a site I used to frequent, only to find a DNS error when I go to search for it. On the same page, however, it always brings a smile to my face to find old gems like this one. While some things are definitely better with change, some things are just perfect the way they are. I hope FFR continues to thrive in these ever changing times.

Posted on: November 6, 2012, at 02:57:07am   [1 comment]
To the left it says I just turned 18, the previous entry states that I had just turned 20, and as I am writing this piece of shit journal entry at 3AM when I should be sleeping for work, I am nearly 22.

Unfortunately, my laptop keyboard is still a piece of shit, so playing FFR on it has kind of failed. Also, seeing as I am no longer 17 and I actually have responsibilities and a life, it is kind of hard to devote my time to FFR like I used to... sad but true. I once had dreams of being ranked in the top 10... PFFFFT, like that'll happen. How times change, eh? People change too. It's scary reading all this crap on my profile here... who knows where I'll be in life when I post next. I guess I'll wait and see. :)

FFR tells me I've been a member for 3 years...
Posted on: March 5, 2011, at 04:23:21am   [0 comments]
First of all... woah, it's been that long!?!?

Second... I feel old. I see my last lovely posts were of me rejoicing the fact that I had turned 18. Now I'm 20.

Oh youth, where hast thou fled?

No, but really. I kept checking FFR for... pfffft I don't even know... A year? But every time I checked it was down. I was JUST getting my skill level up and actually beginning to improve my stats and then POOF. No more FFR. After awhile, I forgot about it.

So I got back on here finally after randomly remembering how addicted I was to it and... wow. I really suck now. I was doing so good, now I have to try to get back up to where I was. Which sucks, because I'm playing on an impossibly tiny laptop keyboard, which just doesn't compare to my old (and dead) desktop keyboard... D:

I can't devote as much time to this as I would like to anymore, seeing as I have a job and a life, but I will try!


Follow me on twitter @Lupin807
My deviantart:

and if you're really bored or curious, you can pry into my life a little bit by reading my journal, which I don't really update that often...


I'm 18 today.
Posted on: January 15, 2009, at 06:56:19am   [0 comments]
So I'm 18 today. January 15th. Cigarettes, lottery tickets, and porn. Yep, that's pretty much it. Fun, considering I enjoy all three. Ha.

Comment wall
eirixyuki writes...
at 4:28:01am on 3/5/11
@fantasiesarefinal I agree!! :D
fantasiesarefinal writes...
at 10:52:21am on 3/2/11
Gravitation is the best!!! XD
johnbarton5 writes...
at 2:49:44am on 8/21/09
hey wats up? happy late b-day. lol. im tj btw. so i was looking at ur profile, and its pretty sweet. lol. well, ill prolly add u on myspace.
Vanilla Mnm writes...
at 5:23:21pm on 8/12/09
Hellooooo. What's up?
P.S. I added you on aim. GO ON! :P
SuperRose9 writes...
at 10:16:42pm on 4/24/09
*comes slowly* You...don't bite?...okay! *hug* I'm a weirdly random chick...I don't watch much anime,but I know that Higurashi no naku koro ni,Elfen Lied,and Bleach are my
miserylover72891 writes...
at 5:06:14pm on 1/21/09
Thanks For The Venom
Roy565 writes...
at 6:52:32am on 1/15/09
xlovexitx808 writes...
at 2:44:01am on 6/2/08
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥YUKI EIRI♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
moondoggie_luv writes...
at 5:19:00pm on 6/1/08
lol @ ur avi. XD
Synthlight writes...
at 4:07:32am on 2/12/08
First person to post on your wall.
