Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Rank:97,112
FFR Average Rank:59,475
FFR Grandtotal Rank:181,093
FFR Grandtotal:39,247,575
FFR Games Played:299
Last Activity:03-16-2011
Member for: 16.3 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 1,119
Profile Votes:8
Referred Users: 2
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Comment wall
nejisgirl writes...
at 9:12:40pm on 3/15/11
hey i love ur profile it looks great! ^_^
deanazeke writes...
at 5:04:23pm on 5/28/09
*drools* ;D ^_~
VEDA BERG writes...
at 2:42:04pm on 2/13/09
Oh and did you see my random thoughts? Check them out sometime. Especially the video. It's kickin' everyone's fuckin' ass! >:-D
VEDA BERG writes...
at 2:34:07pm on 2/13/09
I'm not hating school......... I just get bored a lot. I'm like considered a nerd at my school; my lowest grade is a 100.
VEDA BERG writes...
at 3:35:22pm on 2/11/09
I've been really bored lately..... at school.
VEDA BERG writes...
at 2:27:07pm on 1/26/09
What's up? Doing well on FFR?
deanazeke writes...
at 4:22:48pm on 12/12/08
yah am commenting my owe page have a promblem with that then fuck off because am in a crappy mood so yah fuck off plane and simple!!!!!!!!! -_-'
deanazeke writes...
at 3:38:04pm on 2/21/08
I love being a FFR member its really cool.
Synthlight writes...
at 1:49:54pm on 2/21/08
First person to post on your wall.
