Good Profile! UnCool! 
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FFR Average Rank:59,475
Location:Edison, New Jersey, USA
Last Activity:02-20-2012
Member for: 13.5 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 798
Profile Votes:14
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About me:
haha I'm no cerial killer for realz I'm gonnaz change that lol, but yeah I'm 20 and emo, living in education so i can make a living and hearts music, I'm Metro ( act gay but not really). everyone has an addiction mine is listed in Interests lol! I'm tall and thin my friends call me twigg lol! um...single and looking and hoping to connect with some peoplez and yeah just hit me up n get to know me can never has too many friends^_^
music is my addiction and with any addiction it requires money lol I'm responsible with money so yeah it doesn go too far lol! drawing anime manga and watching movies r sweet and hangin wit friends is my daily schedule out of school
Fav Music:
black veil brides, bring me the horizon, sky eat's airplane, escape the fate lol it could go on so basically any electronica emocore hardcore punk pop lol name them i prolly heard of them i don't like small music circles lol
Fav Movies:
beastly, sucker punch, black swan, sweeny todd, corpse bride, nightmare before christmas, any horror pretty much, repo the genetic opera, um lol name it i like it most likely and yeah i heart chick flicks
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xEmoRawrz writes...
at 4:04:18pm on 6/12/11
cool c:
i didnt know they had a new album tho lol
dollphenfreek writes...
at 6:10:26pm on 6/10/11
well ok hi
dollphenfreek writes...
at 11:32:36am on 6/10/11
do i know you?
xEmoRawrz writes...
at 5:46:57pm on 5/23/11
its amazing you like bvb.
and sure c:
cerialkiller18 writes...
at 2:34:41pm on 5/22/11
just letting sunday pass by on here lol.adding new people and lookin at new music as usual lolo. just bought four CD's at FYE friday night. three AFI cds and an As Blood Runs Black. my addiction goes on lol
McR EmO LuVeR writes...
at 2:26:23pm on 5/22/11
youre welcome. im good thanks, and you? thats cool.
McR EmO LuVeR writes...
at 1:59:32pm on 5/22/11
lol alright then, well thanks for the invite c:
cerialkiller18 writes...
at 7:19:54pm on 5/10/11
loneliness is like a leaves me week cold and waiting for the balance of life and death to decide my fate...why do i have to go this alone...
X_NinjaKid_X writes...
at 12:13:15am on 4/24/11
Any kind really..Of anime and music(:
Piggygirlrocks writes...
at 12:58:11pm on 4/23/11
Haha, it's nice to be popular. :) I've just been busy, so haven't be able to respond right away so my apologies. I've been working, gah.
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