BanbaJi's FFR replays

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Song Results (Perf-Good-Avg-Miss-Boo) Max Combo Score Date
SuperMario 8bit Eighties Remix 150 - 21 - 3 - 0 - 0 174 262,440 7/11/13
SuperMario 8bit Eighties Remix 0 - 1 - 0 - 1 - 0 1 965 7/11/13
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BanbaJi's R^3 replays

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Song Results (Perf-Good-Avg-Miss-Boo) Max Combo Score Date
The Cracking Sky 427 - 38 - 4 - 0 - 0 469 714,520 7/20/13
Straight To Video 779 - 109 - 7 - 7 - 16 486 942,320 7/20/13
Same Dream 457 - 40 - 2 - 1 - 3 499 761,090 7/20/13
Same Dream 457 - 40 - 2 - 1 - 3 499 761,090 7/20/13
Arrrrrr 235 - 32 - 0 - 0 - 0 267 405,050 7/19/13
morning grory 223 - 32 - 1 - 0 - 1 256 387,485 7/19/13
morning grory 218 - 32 - 6 - 0 - 0 256 385,030 7/14/13
Bomb the Base 231 - 82 - 11 - 2 - 13 198 347,325 7/11/13
Bomb the Base 231 - 82 - 11 - 2 - 13 198 347,325 7/11/13
Bomb the Base 231 - 82 - 11 - 2 - 13 198 347,325 7/11/13
Bomb the Base 231 - 82 - 11 - 2 - 13 198 347,325 7/11/13
Bomb the Base 231 - 82 - 11 - 2 - 13 198 347,325 7/11/13
Bomb the Base 231 - 82 - 11 - 2 - 13 198 347,325 7/11/13
Bomb the Base 231 - 82 - 11 - 2 - 13 198 347,325 7/11/13
Bomb the Base 231 - 82 - 11 - 2 - 13 198 347,325 7/11/13
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