BabyViperx3's photos

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Uploaded on February 13, 2009 at 05:58:31pm

Picture Comments

  1. Shhhhhhhhhhhh. :)

  2. shes so adorableeeeee<3<3

  3. Awww congrats I know you will be a great mommy. So cute

  4. People are going to mistake her for being asian. Just like her mommy... xD

  5. This is... -the- most beautiful baby I've seen in.... ages. I'm completely sincere when I say that. =) Congratulations! <3<3<3<3<3<3

  6. SHE IS SO FUCKING CUTE! OMG! <3 Her nose is so tiny. I want to cuddle with her. D: Congrats, btw!!!

  7. :D