BabyViperx3's photos

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Uploaded on February 10, 2009 at 05:58:42pm

Picture Comments

  1. shes got such a cute mouth :D

    You have to tell me about it later, I must know

  3. awwwwwww :D:D:D

  4. CONGRATS and good luck C:

  5. ^^ Oh my gosh. <333 Wow time goes by fast doesn't it? Congrats Liz! She's so freakin' cute. xD

  6. Omg why didn't I know about this!?!? I personally think all newborns are alien creatures, but besides the point gratz!!! ♥♥♥
    p.s. Keep it away from Dom, he tried to eat our son.

  7. she's your spitting image <3

  8. WOW A BABY!

  9. She is absolutely beautiful! Congrats Liz! =)

  10. She is soooooo cute.
    (my niece is cuter though)

  11. congratz =]

  12. Aww, she's beautiful. :)
    Congrats on having the baby, raise her well now. ;)

  13. Elisa Marie! February 7th, 2009
    5.9 lbs 18" long c: