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Old 09-19-2021, 02:25 AM   #1
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Default Wiosna/Shoegazer Chart and Pack Repository

I initially wanted to make a Google doc or a random thought compiling all of my stuff in one avenue, but it turns out 1) Google Docs kinda sucks for stuff like this, and 2) random thoughts take too little space on a webpage for it to be useful. This will probably be something that I would also refer o!m people to as well so why not.

Hi, I'm Wiosna -- I go by Shoegazer on osu!mania. This thread is where I post my packs and occasional singles that will either make for very small packs or no pack at all. Descriptions will be given for each pack.

This is also where I will post a showcase of single charts that I have some personal sentiment towards or charts that I expect to be appealing to others. Descriptions will be provided for singles as well, but they won't always be my (in my opinion, obviously) best charts.

You will also find a section for my pack WIPs, at least for pack projects that I'm doing by myself.

Note that the thread will not include all of the charts, because that's more or less impossible since I've sent my charts to various packs, most of those I did not organise myself.

If you would like a more condensed version of the charts I've made, here is a spreadsheet containing all of my charts with corresponding DL links.

Wiosna Singles (2021 - 2022)
Pack release: N/A (September 2021 - June 2022)
# of songs in pack: 12 (songlist)
MSD range: 16-27
Not an official release, just consolidated singles from various packs that I've sent these charts to over the past year. Much more eclectic of a pack than my other packs, but generally worse on average.

Memories of Flower
Pack release: May 2022 (September 2021 - April 2022)
# of charts in pack: 15 (songlist)
MSD range: 18-27 (mostly 18-24)
A further extension of the charting philosophy I had in Nightflower Complex and Sharpnel Instrumentality Project, but now applied to music that would make for much more technical charts. There's still a good number of charts that are rhythmically straightforward, but there's many more charts that are much trickier to nail than my usual output. At least half of the pack is indeed breakcore (or breakcore-adjacent like drum and bass), so if monotonous music is your thing, this pack is for you.

Sharpnel Instrumentality Project
Pack release: July 2021 (March 2021 - May 2021)
# of charts in pack: 15 (not including marathons, songlist)
MSD range: 19-24
There was a thought experiment that some people have formulated: If you were to lock a simfile artist who doesn't just make scoring files at gunpoint to produce as much jumpstream as possible against their will for a few months, what would be the result? This might not be the result that they were hoping for, but this was pretty close to it.

Sharpnel Instrumentality Project (or SIP) is a pack with primarily stamina jumpstream charts with a "technical" take through specific layering approaches and layering. This is heavily inspired by multiple pad stamina packs from 2016-2018, such as SHARPNELSTREAMZ and Rebuild of Sharpnel. The patterns in these charts are generally much harder than other charts of similar levels of density, but I would say that the JS/HS patterns in Icy X and Icy X2 are still considerably harder.

Nightflower Complex
Pack release: June 2021 (February 2021 - June 2021)
# of charts in pack: 15 (songlist)
MSD range: 18-25 (mostly 19-23)
A compilation of files that I've made in the first half of 2021. The pack in general is meant to have a darker presentation and most of the songs do have a darker and grungier atmosphere to them, but there are very very clear exceptions.

During this time period, I decided to focus a lot more on how players process and hit patterns -- how players can find certain patterns comfortable or uncomfortable, what kind of muscles they use to hit certain patterns, and so on. I moved away from a more systematic approach to charting (most prominently seen in We Are The Sound and Breakcore Princess to a smaller degree) and utilised a slightly more freeform approach to layering/patterning with the most emphasis on the most perceptible sounds and rhythms that players will hear. This led to some interesting results, and it overall led to charts that I felt were more in line with both I perceive music and how I want my charts to play. Of course, my view of this will probably change as I create more content. Most charts in this are quite straightforward rhythmically regardless.

Breakcore Princess
Pack release: August 2020 (May 2020 - August 2020)
# of charts in pack: 10 (songlist)
MSD range: 18-24
A compilation of files that I've made in 2020. I would say that this pack marked a new... charting phase for me. This was the period where I started participating more in the Flash Flash Revolution charting community, and I was intrigued by how charters there express music without the use of long notes/holds. This pack was partially made as a personal challenge to see what I can do with minimal or no LNs/holds. My charts from mid 2020 onwards have zero holds.

We Are The Sound
Pack release: October 2019 (June 2018 - January 2019)
# of charts in pack: 25 (songlist)
MSD range: 16-28 (mostly 19-23)
A compilation of files that I've made from mid 2018 to early 2019. While there is a decent range of charts here, I would say that a lot of the charts here follow a very strict patterning and layering approach: a lot of focus on percussion, super regimented chord use, heavy use of holds for melodic elements among other tropes. There are some other charts that break away from this, but most of the non-dumps follow this sort of formula. I've moved away from this style of charting since, the general painstaking attention to pattern consistency I've had to charts I think originated here.

Pack release: October 2017 (January 2017 - October 2017)
# of charts in pack: 15 (songlist)
MSD range: 15-24 (mostly 19-24)
A rechart only pack. In terms of style I would say that this pack has the greatest diversity of the bunch, but that isn't saying much because it's still one person. There are some failed experiments here and there, but there are several charts here I still feel has resonated with me today. Crow's Ghost, in particular, was a chart that I think painted my view of charting for a good part of 2018-2019. Toki (maidable remix) is also a chart that I don't think I would be able to replicate again.

Pack release: October 2016 (March 2016 - October 2016)
# of charts in pack: 11 (songlist)
MSD range: 19-29 (mostly 22-29)
This was my first official pack release. I believe I moved to making dump charts around this time because I hit some kind of roadblock when it came to non-dumps (mostly because I was making content that's mostly for scoring lol), so this pack has more dump charts than not. Some of these charts are still... interesting to look at, and I've never really revisited this style of dump charting at all. The non-dumps are also fine but typical scoring bait minus She's Haunting Me.

Singles Showcase
Boulafacet [Memories of Flower]
I charted the entire Nightmare trilogy in Memories of Flower, but Boulafacet is probably the strongest out of the three -- partially because it was the most interesting song of the three rhythmically. The chart is very technical, lots of fast bursts and jumpgluts, but this chart I think best encapsulates my general pattern propensities in technical charts the most. I generally lean towards wrist-heavy patterns, but it's usually counterbalanced by ergonomic patterns (e.g. minijacks that alternate hands, lots of mini-breaks) to the best of my ability. I consider this to be my favourite of the three Nightmare charts I've made in the pack, but Epileptic Crisis is good if you want a more aggressive experience and Dream to Nightmare for a simpler one.

Ushinawareru Runazuki [Memories of Flower]
This was the first time I've charted math rock as a non-dump, and the really really heavy layering in the song made it very hard for me to figure out how to actually approach the song. When I first finished my chart for it I thought it was one of the worst things I've made, but it was received well when I first made it. I made some further changes to it a few months down the road (after NC was made) to change some overlayering concerns and I think that the chart is cool now.

The chart is your standard JS/broken JS/HS affair with a fair bit of progression because of how math rock goes. There are also multiple difficulties because it was meant to be a mapset on osu!mania, and they're generally lighter and have different structures overall. The highest difficulty is personally one of my favourites to play through, but I think the second highest difficulty is more "refined" but less visceral for me.

Fake Promise [Sharpnel Instrumentality Project]
Out of all of the charts that I've made for Sharpnel Instrumentality Project, Fake Promise is the one that has gotten the most attention. This isn't too surprising given that the song is often considered Sharpnel's best and most dynamic, but I think the dynamic feel of the song helps a lot with the chart being interesting as well. It's hard to describe the chart without sounding like I've completely lost my marbles, but many of the principles I've learned from charting jumpstream are present in this chart: the anchor use, the layering and pattern use (improv or not), the 20ths (and what kind of patterns I used) were all things that I've picked up during that period.

The chart does feel a bit heavy-handed at times (it's Sharpnel jumpstream after all), but the project was one of the proudest things I've done as a stepper, and Fake Promise is probably the apex of the style that I was trying to work on for a long while.

hydra (short edit) [Nightflower Complex]
I remember giving a previous version of this chart to an FFR simfile artist and they've said something like how they've never seen a jumpstream chart with this much structure and variety before. I think what they said was kinda silly, but it made sense to me. The layering and patterning especially are very deliberate throughout, and there is a notable sense of progression in how things are patterned. There is a small bit of improvisation in a particular light JS section, but for the most part it's just a jumpstream chart with clear and well-defined progression. JS for techheads I think. One of my personal favourites.

Shuu no Hazama (Rainshower) [Nightflower Complex]
Super popular song, also there's a ton of charts for this so enjoy another one on the list. The chart also has a lot in store, with bursts oscillating between 3/16th and 24ths in the first half, to an intense minijack-filled ending with 24th bursts to, not the bass wobbles, but the saxophone. Timing on this is extremely difficult and it stacks very nicely on rates.

I don't really like this chart much admittedly because I feel that the chart can be a bit more aggressive in some areas in terms of patterning, but I think that it encapsulates my approach to neurofunk well.

Aqua Regia [Nightflower Complex]
Collab chart with Elekton (Elekton identified the main rhythms, I did the patterning and other edits), 5 minutes of fast 16th gluts, difficult bursts and no sign of a clear end. This chart is probably the most time I've invested on a chart... and this is a collab. It's hard to describe the file in any meaningful way, so I would suggest trying out the chart yourself if you're into really heavy-handed tech garbage that lasts for 5 minutes. This probably means you if you enjoy FFR stuff!

There are a handful of people who would say that this is the best chart I've made. I personally don't think that this is the case, but this is definitely one of my most ambitious and I don't think that I would be able to replicate this again.

Swamp Thing [Breakcore Princess]
I remember Halogen talking about how much he hated every cut of Swamp Thing in the FFR stepcon and I thought of a cut that would've worked and felt that he would like. Turns out that the cut was indeed something that he expected because it was actually very similar to the cut used for an ITG file back in the day.

Chart is very burst-heavy and relies very heavily on minijacks and adding on to the extant banjo motifs in the chart. It has a pretty silly sense of progression overall and I think the buildups are probably a little bit too difficult, but I think this chart is still decent for what it's supposed to be.

The Great Escape [Breakcore Princess]
I made this dump chart for a post-hardcore song (Bulletproof Love) that I really liked back in the day and I wanted to re-encapsulate that feeling for this song. This is a more disciplined and methodical but still aggressive approach to the chart. Extremely burst-heavy but clean chart with good contrast between 28ths and 32nds, and with a quirky song to boot. Out of the dump charts I've made, I think that this is one of the more interesting ones because of how much it encapsulated my style back in the day and how gratifying it is to hit through some of the patterns despite the patterns primarily going to vocals rather than heavier sounds like bass wobbles. Just watch out for the guitar solo.

looming shadow of a tree long gone [Breakcore Princess]
There was a very long phase where I viewed charting as this very strict science -- similar to how Rock Band/Guitar Hero charts were made back in the day. A lot of my charts had this really rigid patterning and layering structure to it that led to very mixed results. I burnt out pretty quickly while charting like that, and I took a long break afterwards.

This was my first chart back, with a pretty similar charting philosophy from last time, but with some leniences here and there. It turned out to be one of the best charts I've made made under this style in terms of how it plays and how it progresses. That said the song is still pretty limited, but I still like playing through stuff like this because I like how old-school breakcore files play and this feels like a very modern approach to it. Chart is mostly broken dense jumpstream with lots of anchor use.

If there is anything else you would like clarification on about my files or if you wish to talk to me about stepping (for some reason), you can post it in this thread or PM me through whatever platform you have contact with me on. I'm in the FFR Discord server, so I'm not too hard to contact.

Last edited by Wiosna; 06-23-2022 at 02:55 PM..
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Old 09-19-2021, 02:40 AM   #2
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Old 09-19-2021, 02:44 AM   #3
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Old 09-19-2021, 04:39 AM   #4
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Old 09-19-2021, 07:06 AM   #5
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Old 09-19-2021, 10:11 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by ositzxz369 View Post

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Old 09-19-2021, 12:52 PM   #7
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Old 11-22-2021, 10:21 PM   #8
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Default Re: Wiosna/Shoegazer Chart and Pack Repository

Pretty big bump, but I've accumulated enough files to share charts I've made over the past few months. Not an official release, but this should hopefully be a precursor to what's to come over the next few months.

Wiosna (Sep 2021 - Nov 2021)

This folder contains, unsurprisingly, a mixed bag of my charts that I've made over the past few months. MSD range varies pretty wildly (18-27), but most of the charts should be within the 19-23 range. Most of these charts should be going into various packs, two of which being personal projects. There's no particular focus over the past few months because I've mostly been trying out new and old things to figure out how they work from a kinaesthetic perspective. Talking about what I'm doing is a bit weird because a lot of it is pretty procedural and you have to get a feel for things, but I'm willing to answer questions in that department.

That said, I can probably talk a bit about one of the projects that I'm working on, which is Ephemeral Princess, formerly named Back to Square One. The pack is still a WIP, though I expect it to be about 10 songs just like Breakcore Princess.

The backstory of the pack is a more personal one: I was burnt out extremely hard after making two packs this year (Sharpnel Instrumentality Project and Nightflower Complex, both of which you can check out), and I felt as if I lost a lot of sense of direction when it came to charting. There were a lot of times where I've tried to make something and I really couldn't because everything felt wrong and nothing felt natural to make, so I distanced myself from stepping for a decent while.

I got some of my motivation back by thinking about which charts I really enjoyed when I was still playing, and I've always brought up to others that there is this one chart that really left an impression on me both as a player and a stepper: jimerax's Frictional Nevada. It certainly isn't the best chart in the world nor is it the most ambitious chart in the world, but the feel of the general index-heavy patterning and broken rhythms was something that I used to always think about whenever I charted anything that's percussion-heavy. It's most notable for the breakcore charts I've made from 2018 to 2020, but I felt as if I lost touch with it while making Nightflower Complex because of all of the things I've learned from Sharpnel Instrumentality Project. Harking back to that mindset of satisfaction through index-heavy patterning, but with a more freeform idea of how to structure rhythms, was a decent pick-me-up for how to approach things.

Ephemeral Princess is, not only a focused attempt to create charts that encapsulate the same feelings that JX's FN gave me back in the day, but to also create charts with music that a 15-18 year old April would've liked to play back in high school. I know that the idea of "making files that you would like to play" is a really obvious concept for many, given that I haven't played the game actively in about six years, the concept was a bit hard for me to grasp. I was also a really simple-minded person back then (though I still am!), which explains the limited chart diversity.

I would consider this pack to be more of a litmus test due to the size of the pack and chart selection being so small; I don't expect this pack to gain much traction, but that's fine. I only hope that the charts here at least convey an understanding of the charts that I enjoy(ed) and, admittedly, yearn for today.

Current songlist:

Download links for each chart are provided in both the spreadsheet and in the Sep 2021 - Nov 2021 folder.

Last edited by Wiosna; 11-22-2021 at 10:22 PM..
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Old 11-30-2021, 02:49 PM   #9
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Old 06-23-2022, 02:50 PM   #10
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Default Re: Wiosna/Shoegazer Chart and Pack Repository

Updated the thread to include Memories of Flower and some small changes to the thread. If you want to download miscellaneous singles that I've made from 2021-2022 that aren't in major packs, you can download this pack here. The pack is also listed in the thread.

Wiosna Singles (2021 - 2022)

Last edited by Wiosna; 06-23-2022 at 02:56 PM..
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