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Shotgun Surgery AAA!!!!!! (+ reaction)
Author: goat
Type: Flash Flash Revolution Videos
Description: YESSSS I FINALLY GOT ITTTTT! The curse that's been on me for over a year has finally been lifted (and I don't have to touch this file ever again :DDD) shoutouts to Hateandhatred
  1. Incredible job, the intro is the only hard part of the entire file.

  2. desk-kun minus 10 hp at the end xd, gg

  3. i was here!

  4. Congratz on the AAA, man! :)

  5. Congrats on lifting your curse on that file! I for one am still cursed on it for over a decade ;-;

  6. That gave me anxiety just watching with those lag spikes haha! nice!

  7. die, gg bro

  8. Trill*

  9. Yooooo grats on finally nailing this! Idk how anyone does that impossible troll jack intro lol

  10. siiiiick

  11. Congratulations bro!