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Old 08-25-2023, 09:37 AM   #21
"The Quebec Steparatist."
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar View Post
I don't think we need to keep replacing people doing the day phase, but especially at EOD. What's the reason we replaced Zenith? Did he request it? Because if he didn't then at least 3 others also hadn't meet post requirements at that juncture at the game. Why were they not replaced as well, from a mechanical standpoint?
Yes, he contacted me and requested to be replaced. I figured I would put him right away.
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Old 08-25-2023, 09:47 AM   #22
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by Sourissette View Post
I remember some people saying that they won't sign up because they want more new players, so I ended up signing up. But I hope I wasn't too inactive!
Nah you were posting

But it screamed new player, hahaha

AND you were a wolf. I would've probably never suspected you.

Originally Posted by JohnRedWolf87 View Post
Charu the red-nosed Snivy
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You could even say it glows

All of the other Snivies
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Charu
Join in any Snivy games

(Click the arrow to see the rest)

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 View Post
All in all I would say that Charu not only won this game, his play made me reconsider how I play it.
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Old 08-25-2023, 09:57 AM   #23
"The Quebec Steparatist."
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

For those curious:

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Sunfan: test

Jusis: it works

Jusis changed name to Jailer

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Charu entered for the first time 4 days ago

Charu: For real, bruh

Jailor: ong

Charu: Alright

Jailor: So, there's only one role with a private chat.

Charu: Why'd you jail me?

Jailor: Just curious about role pm

Charu: Wat

Charu: So you jailed me because?

Charu: I'm confused

Jailor: I think there's a chance you're Millium.

Jailor: probably not the case

hostitos: 🍿

Charu: And... what makes you think that? Surely you didn't intend to use your power just to jail that pr

Jailor: I plan to NK you if you don't claim.

Charu: Sigh, is this Haku? Feels like Haku

Charu: Look, I'm Laura

Jailor: You're not Laura because I would be dead if you were.

Charu: I plan to be loud and overbearing this game just so the wolves pick me and die

Charu: That's my plan anyways

alsosunfan entered for the first time 4 days ago

Charu: Well I'm definitely Laura

Jailor: Well, this is going to be a sad game if true.

Charu: Why?

Charu: Hold on, let me re-re-re-REread op

Charu: Because, not gonna lie, I thought jailor would die if they picked me too (i just rolled with whatever this was)

Jailor: You're right, but I'm upset you had to check your role

Jailor: and I'm not sure why a town player would ask me why they got jailed

Jailor: also town can target Laura and rip

Charu: Eliminates anyone who visits at night (except Crow (if he's seducing only) and Rean, as well as Jusis)

Jailor: so, it's not the worse scenario

Charu: Okay, yeah, this is right then

Charu: Well then...

Jailor: the other reason why I would NK is because if you're in a wolf chat, the wolf chat is supposed to be disabled until this is resolved.

Charu: Is that so?

Charu: Well I'm not sure what else to say. Is there anything you'd like to pick apart at?

Jailor: any questions ?

Jailor: I guess I struggle with trusting you when the first thing you ask if why you got jailed

Jailor: is*

Jailor: I don't think town would have to prepare thoughts

Charu: Because I was not in anybodies to vote list

Charu: Lije

Jailor: well, you've seen the vote list

Charu: I was about to go to bed

Charu: Then got notified I was jailed and went "wat"

Charu: And thus the confusion and question upon getting here (by the by, why not just a private discord group, lol)

Charu: Oh... probably identity

Charu: Makes sense

Jailor: probably just because online/offline angleshooting stuff

Jailor: I guess you can go sleep if you want, I'll try to figure something out

Charu: Anyways, my question came from a space of confusion because I was not expecting the jailor to go, well... me.

Charu: I was very much expecting one of the players who got votes

Charu: Or a low poster

Charu: One or the other

Charu: Welp... nothing to do but accept whatever fate you'll give me.

Charu: Maybe brainstorm in here my thoughts tomorrow (irl tomorrow)

Jailor: well, there's a lot of ?? players in this game

Jailor: I'll give you that

Charu: Ugh, tell me about it. The amount of inactives and new players are making me kind of naturally go towards the vets being the wolves

Jailor: Just for fun, who do you think is Millium ?

Jailor: assuming they know the entire game

Charu: Haku

Charu: But I think you're Haku

Charu: So...

Charu: Guess not anymore

Charu: Okies, I stayed up way longer than I wanted.

Charu: Talk to you (or just random thoughts) later!

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Charu: Weh

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Charu joined the chat 3 days ago

Charu: Totally unrelated to this game, but someone recolored an awesome vrchat model for me and I just spent a good chunk of my afternoon admiring it

Charu: Thx 4 reading

Charu: Now time to either nap or continue my xenoblade 1 playthrough

Charu: Leading towards napping

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Jailor joined the chat 3 days ago

Jailor: I'll be around if Charu comes back

Jailor: I'll just say that this feel a bit like a wasted opportunity in a T/T scenario

hostitos joined the chat 3 days ago

Charu joined the chat 3 days ago

Charu: *Smokes a carrot and blows the hot steamy goodness in the air*

Charu: Still can't believe you jailed me

Charu: If you're Haku, then I *really* don't get it

Charu: Anywaaaaays, I was told by a higher power you wanted to chat?

Jailor: yeah I need to figure out if you're alive next phase

Jailor: because jailing by itself doesn't do much

Charu: Well, unless the wolves rb me, I'm fine

Charu: Or you decide to off me

Jailor: if town check you in the night, they will most likely die

Charu: Either or

Jailor: so, you're a weird slot even for town wincon

Charu: I mean... I can say I wanna put my sword away

Jailor: but at same time, town doesn't have a ton of room for mislynches

Charu: But I rather keep it out for the beginning phases

Jailor: thoughts about the game ?

Jailor: I guess it's mostly low activity players and not so much going on

Charu: The only real significant discussion was about the lynching delimma

Charu: With that in mind, I find all players who know how to play to be suspect

Charu: Because seriously, you don't just chance a lynch when there's a role out there that kills the game

Jailor joined the chat 3 days ago

Charu: Of course, the person could always fake claim, but I feel that's worst case scenario

Jailor: sorry, internet died for a sec

Charu: No probs

Charu: So yeah, that's where I'm at

Jailor: I mean, if you assume the jailor won't play properly, it's not completely out of this world

Charu: Depending on what we get next phase, I'd like to keep up the lynching to you, to be honest

Jailor: I hate this because I thought it would be easy to guess your alignment

Jailor: 'cause I didn't properly ask the right question and you ended up being the one asking questions

Charu: Well, unfortunately for you, you jailed a bird who knows how to play

Charu: But trust or not, I'm town and I'm Laura

Charu: If you wish to take me out, then nothing I can do

Charu: Honestly, you probably should've picked a new player for jailing

Jailor: atm you're getting taken out if I can't change my mind

Jailor: but I'm definitely not happy about it

Jailor: because I know you're a valuable player and I know Laura could be a role that turn the game around

Charu: Well then... don't off me?

Charu: I get it the problem though

Charu: You want us to have solid info

Charu: And you can't just tell the thread

Jailor: I think I would have kept you alive if you were nearly any other role

Jailor: I mean, if you rip as Laura, that clearly doesn't solve much either

Jailor: and might be even more difficult to explain

Charu: ?

Charu: Why?

Charu: If I was any other role?

Jailor: more like I doubt town will guess you were the jailor's target without claiming

Jailor: I mean, let's say idk you were machias and you wanted to target X player during the night

Jailor: I feel like it's easier to work my mind around your game

Charu: Well I'm not 100% sure who I'm talking to so I think trying to do that wouldn't work anyways

Jailor: what would that change 6

Jailor: ?

Sunfan was timed out 3 days ago

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Charu: Haha, loser, get timed out

Jailor: I think only scum gain from knowing who's jailor

Charu: Nothing, really. It wouldn't change a thing

Charu: Well, Jailor, I don't want to die because I do think my role right now is an asset to the town team

Charu: I'm trying to be loud and upfront this game so the wolves do stuff to me

Charu: Just not get rb'd, dohoho

Jailor: I can see Elliot being like "oh, I like this player, I'm going to protect them tonight" and they're gone

Charu: Speaking of, wonder if my death here still triggers anyone else's death if they check me

Charu: Spicy~

Jailor: you can technically end the game by yourself

Charu: Well I'm hoping Elliot goes to you

Charu: Or... the person I think is you (Haku)

Charu: Because Hake definitely gave off super pr vibes from their posts about Millium

Jailor: So, there's Machias that a cop who can die to you

Jailor: Gaius vigi also die to you

Jailor: I live, but basically a waste

Charu: Machias SHOULD be checking low posters and inactives

Jailor: Elliot die

Jailor: yeah you're a public danger

Jailor: 3 town can flip from targeting you

Jailor: in the same night

Charu: Vigi SHOULDNT shoot tonight

Charu: You got to be kidding me

Jailor: you're right

Jailor: but is it going to happen ?

Jailor: I wonder if you both flip if Gaius target Laura

Charu: I could just... not have my sword out if you're THAT concerned about ot

Charu: The likelihood of three roles checking me is so low

Charu: Lower than lynching Millium

Jailor: oh I don't expect it to happen

Jailor: I expect scum team to stack all their actions on one player at a time

Jailor: because of roleblock

Jailor: which would render your role sort of useless to them

Jailor: but dangerous for town

Jailor: so, I do think not using it is better

Jailor: but if you were alive late game and crow is out

Jailor: then yes

Charu: I think the first night phase will be the only time they stack since afterwards shenanigans from the night will reveal to them more

Charu: Hmmmm...

Charu: Let me review the op again (for lije... the 50th time)

Charu: Okay, so

Charu: They'll definitely stack roadblock and that delayed cardflip

Charu: Emma can't do anything n1

Charu: And no reason to strong-arm since they only have 1

Charu: ...roleblock*

Jailor: Fie will probably night kill with a roleblock

Jailor: which means no card flip info

Charu: Yeah

Charu: Which definitely isn't seful.

Charu: BUT

Jailor: I mean, someone will not post during the entire phase

Charu: Ot does tell town that kill was done by the wolves at least

Charu: I think

Jailor: it will hopefully become obvious at some point

Jailor: I'm saying that because inactivity can hide that somehow

Jailor: oh it would make sense if it's just no knowing the role

Jailor: not*

Charu: The more I think about this, wow

Charu: I should sheath my sword then n1

Charu: Damn, let me change my night action.

Jailor: I wonder if Millium is immune to Emma

Jailor: or if they can just win instantly with the right check

Charu: Changed it, no longer have it out

Charu: Even if you off me, think we should be good

Jailor: I'm going to hope Rean is town and keep you alive

Charu: And, Jailor

Charu: Next person you speak to, please hide your Haku-ness

Charu: Unless you're not Haku

Jailor: nah I'm Haku

Jailor: I hate being jailor

Charu: In which case your vibes are on point and awesome impersonation

Jailor: well, the private chat at least

Jailor: I guess I want to address the T-Force/MML you/me dichotomy or whatever

Jailor: about voting vs no lynch

Jailor: well, I'm probably going to be in dead chat so, 'later

Jailor: well, that chat died quickly

Jailor: maybe you shouldn't live after all

Charu: I'm still here, whoa

Jailor: not a fan of the wine and "you decide my fate"

Charu: Sorry, I got distracted for a sec

Charu: What about the... what now?

Jailor: like I'm trying to ignore you're replacing, but it's tricky

Charu: MML/T-Force?

Charu: OH

Jailor: well, they spent the end of the phase advocating for voting someone over no lynch etc.

Charu: I literally skimmed through Zenith's post and forgot what they were

Jailor: Zenith simply wasn't here

Jailor: 0 post

Charu: Ah yes

Charu: Well I think MML just didn't want a case of no info

Jailor: if I wanted to be a meanie, I'd argue he does that when he roll scum, but that's not a very cool take

Charu: So I'm not to overly concerned with his opinion

Jailor: I'd rather lose than get it right because of that

Charu: I'm more worried about T-Force

Jailor: well T-Force make sense if Jailor was a new player or afk

Jailor: you can't rely on 1 person for the entire game

Charu: T-Force WAS VERY adamant about wanting to lynch despite the gamble in play

Jailor: no lynch is only good for delaying the game a bit

Jailor: which town badly need

Jailor: I do think insta should happen either next phase or the one after

Jailor: well, odd amount of players imply a 2nd no lynch could work

Jailor: but no more

Charu: Depending what results we get from the SoD from our host, yeah

Charu: I still believe the "lynch" target should be handled by you

Charu: The whole get to a consensus and then let the jailor do the deed

Jailor: well, I'm technically a cop with 3 checks if I find Millium

Jailor: but I'm afraid Millium is one of the low posters

Charu: Wouldn't surprise me

Charu: They wouldn't know what to do since the game info is handed to them

Jailor: one thing that made me think you're scum is that your reads followed mine

Jailor: and it's usually easy cover

Jailor: and you're not making it easy for me to connect the dots on your intentions

Charu: W a t

Jailor: well, for alignment

Charu: My intention was to tell everyone lynching first phase was actually a viable strategy this time around

Charu: Like

Charu: It takes like 30 seconds to skim op

Charu: And understand there's roles that are definitely not standard TWG roles

Jailor: I do still think not lynching is better because 1/10 chance Millium

Jailor: and even if it's not much, there's many ways for Millium to flip without scum even doing anything

Charu: Weren't you reading me town earlier in the phase?

Jailor: would be funny if the entire scum team is Arp/Souris/ToonE

Jailor: all the players that voted no lynch

Charu: Or was that a lie?

Jailor: I can't make up my mind

Jailor: I'll just say that you're living atm

Charu: Because I placed you either top town or a wolf who knew what they were doing

Jailor: yeah but you know very well that it's not alignment indicative for yourself

Charu: I'd be passed if the wolf team were all newbies

Jailor: I would happily say that as a wolf

Charu: Pissed*

Jailor: if I was wolfing, this game would be funnier tbh

Jailor: this feel like slank city

Jailor: with you/me/T-Force/MML in a tunnel

Jailor: wouldn't be surprised if we were all town

Charu: *Shruuuuug*

Jailor: something something path of least resistance

Charu: I'm hoping next phase will be a lot more revealing

Jailor: in b4 Gaius shoots Millium and everyone is like "oh"

Charu: Also, I really don't think you'll be dead

Jailor: well, you said I might be Millium

Charu: Right

Charu: So the doctor might think too

Jailor: https://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz... would have been funny if you

Charu joined the chat 3 days ago

Charu: I actually made that post deliverately

Charu: Deliberately*

Jailor: ah yes, the classic lure the jailor plan

Charu: Nooooo

Charu: To lure the wolves to me

Jailor: I'm actually considering flipping you so town have something to talk about due to the delayed flip oof

Jailor: 'cause town is just super lost right now

Jailor: and I think it may help them build a common ground

Charu: I mean... it might just mean town will go "Why did our jailor do that?" Honestly

Charu: Because besides ... well you in this private chat, no one batted an eye at me

Jailor: ah seriously, scum chat is open at all time

Jailor: god damn it op

Charu: Wait, really?

Jailor: [19-08-23 11:29 AM] I've never rolled wolf as a player so I had no idea this was a thing, but it was brought to my attention that scum-aligned players aren't always supposed to use scum chat during day phases, at least not unless specified. I ultimately decided to allow them to use it, and I'm letting you all know of the fact that from now on, their chat will be active at all time.

Charu: Jailing is probably the exception

Charu: Can't very well talk to your team if you're jailed, right?

Jailor: I mean, if it's not and you wanted to find out im haku then technically scum team know im jailor 100%

Jailor: but I wasn't aware of that

Charu: Wha...?

Charu: I've read your sentence 6 times and it went over my head

Jailor: im wrong apparently nvm

Jailor: [20-08-23 9:44 PM] Players may insta "no lynch" while the jailor is alive.

Jailor: imagine the phase starts

Jailor: and people literally insta

Jailor: lol

Charu: That'd be very silly

Jailor: I mean, it's a game of hiding Millium

Jailor: if PRs have nothing

Jailor: it's not completely unthinkable

Charu: So a thought just came to mind

Charu: What I mentioned I got jailed?

Charu: No reason to hide that fact from town, is there?

Jailor: what do you gain from it ?

Jailor: if I confirm I jailed you, it bad for PoE I think

Charu: Notoriety, and you don't have to claim

Jailor: if you were Millium I would tell the thread who the wolves are

Jailor: since I won't, you kinda get out of the picture

Charu: Plus it gives town a topic to discuss

Jailor: if I had your role I wouldn't sheath and just hope Machias solve or something

Charu: Nag, I've mulled over it and think sheathing is good

Charu: For this night at least

Charu: Nah*

Jailor: as long as crow is alive it's best imo

Jailor: can block strongman, but not rb

Charu: Hmm...

Charu: I wonder if I'm automatically sheathed since I'm jailed...

Jailor: you could be in a final 3, lose it and if the last wolf pick you for NK you're just like "no you"

Jailor: that's wrong, but something along those lines

Jailor: I think I'm blocking others from your night action

Jailor: trying to remember if jailing counters roleblock if you're the target

Charu: Huh, that makes sense I guess

Jailor: I think nothing goes in and nothing goes out

Charu: Well if that's the case, I suppose my action does nothing

Charu: So I'm just sheathed

Jailor: Emma is the only one that can use an action while jailed

Jailor: according to OP

Jailor: so, if you're town and scum target you tonight because you're unlikely to be jailed etc. well, too bad for them

Jailor: so, thinking that way, it would be logical for me to jail who I think scum will try to NK

Jailor: double rewards kinda

Jailor: I doubt scum will NK inactives

Charu: Yeah, scum love leaving inactives alive

Jailor: I'm a good NK I think

Jailor: Elliot protecting me would be terrible here

Jailor: 'cause we would both rip

Jailor: if strongman

Jailor: ah jailer doesn't block strongman

Jailor: but it might block roleblock (?)

Jailor: but you can block strongman

Jailor: that's a funny one to think about

Jailor: if you're targeted

hostitos was timed out 3 days ago

Charu: I highly doubt wolves will use their strongarm n1

Jailor: I'm trying to think what you gain if you tell others you were jailed in case I flip

Jailor: not worth it I guess

Charu: It'll definitely be a topic that gets brought up, I think

Charu: That's info for town

Charu: Albeit not really much, but there you have it

Jailor: I think you could mention, but only if I flip next phase

Jailor: and not mention it if I'm alive next phase

Charu: Listen, I really don't think you'll die

Charu: I believe the doctor would've chosen you

Jailor: I actually think the doctor should do nothing

Charu: ...Assuming doctor isn't a newbie

Charu: Bruh

Jailor: unless doctor has like 5 posts

Charu: That strong-arm isn't gonna be used this night

Charu: Stop it

Jailor: well, phase starts in 1 hour

Jailor: glgl

Jailor: I want to go do a couple of other things

Charu: Yeah, see ya on the otherside

Charu: I'm playing me some xenoblade 1 on the side

Jailor: kinda curious if you've looked into cold steel series

Sunfan was timed out 3 days ago

Sunfan joined the chat 3 days ago

Sunfan: stop talking in this chat

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Old 08-25-2023, 11:38 AM   #24
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by Charu View Post
Nah you were posting

But it screamed new player, hahaha

AND you were a wolf. I would've probably never suspected you.
Yeah, I decided to use my newbie-and-confused status to my advantage. I wasn't sure if it was going to work as well as in real life because I'm small, I have a quiet voice and I look young. In the Werewolf games I played I was never ever suspected lol

When lar mentioned Raeko I jumped on it. I knew it was Mellon_Collie, but if I pretended I didn't know and one of us was found out then it made the other less likely to be suspected. At least, that had been my logic lol. I unfortunately can't do that ever again though.
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Old 08-25-2023, 11:48 AM   #25
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by Charu View Post
I... pretty much nailed my gut read on ToonE
what was your read?
dont trust this user at all --------> https://www.twitch.tv/toone156
Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 View Post
If accuracy is not your middle name, my balls smell like lavender and honey.

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Old 08-25-2023, 11:50 AM   #26
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by Hateandhatred View Post

XelNya: (...) Also, thank you for being nice to my friend coming to FFR just to play this game, but I'll talk more about that with Raeko's "analysis".

mellon_collie: (...) Also, like with XelNya, thank you for treating my friend this well and helping them through the game like you did. If she's coming back to play with us, I'm sure your attitude towards her will have played a huge role in it.

Sourissette: It sucks that the game ended on N2 because you were just starting to pick up your stride. I know you were shy and uncomfortable with getting into this and had no idea about any sort of terminology, but you did very well nonetheless. Your dumbtell about not knowing that Raeko was mellon_collie was a brilliant play, and not a single Town player had you in their sights. Had the game lasted, I'm sure you would have made a lot more of an impact. I'm glad you seem to have enjoyed the experience and I would love if you came back to play with us, especially in a more "vanilla" setup. Bringing you here was a good decision and congrats on your victory!
Thank you Xel and Raeko, it was really fun! Hopefully I wasn't too much of a burden!

I was starting to really enjoy it and getting comfortable and I was growing more confident. I wish the game lasted longer, but that was enough to convince me to possibly play again in the future!

Everyone was awesome to me, thank you! (Though that was probably mostly because I wasn't suspected hehe)
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Old 08-25-2023, 12:20 PM   #27
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by Hateandhatred View Post
I think it would have benefited Town more if you used that energy to tunnel harder on some of your main targets. This game had a lot of inexperienced players and inviting them to join you in some tunnelling could have brought the right mindset in them a lot faster
I'm sorry what

Arp was a main target and that was the majority of D2
Then it was the inactives

Go look at the timestamps and the absolute (moe) gap in the post count numbers

I reject that I could have rallied realistically any harder

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Old 08-25-2023, 12:20 PM   #28
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by Hateandhatred View Post
XelNya:You played a fantastic game from start to finish and I can't really point out anything really wrong for your team. The only tiny thing is that you weren't super proactive with the Machias notice, but that's something Scum didn't handle perfectly as a whole. You took a lot of initiative within Scum chat and in my eyes, that's why you won. You were also the first one to consider a ToonE lynch, which was the game winning move. Also, thank you for being nice to my friend coming to FFR just to play this game, but I'll talk more about that with Raeko's "analysis".
I too, have studied gap moe, and this was my masters thesis.
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Old 08-25-2023, 12:21 PM   #29
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar View Post
Go look at the timestamps and the absolute (moe) gap in the post count numbers
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Old 08-25-2023, 12:22 PM   #30
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

That post probably comes off as angrier then I would ever be over post game criticism but like

come on

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Old 08-25-2023, 12:25 PM   #31
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar View Post
That post probably comes off as angrier then I would ever be over post game criticism but like

come on
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Old 08-25-2023, 01:43 PM   #32
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by Hateandhatred View Post
T-Force: Greg thinks your night actions made sense, but frankly I did not quite understand them. They were not really bad options if I put myself in your perspective, but I don't think I would ever prioritize them, but to be fair, MML was considered for a N1 kill, so it's probably just me.
N1 was full on TWG brain. Who was an active voice that (I thought) was heavy Town. Save them.
Ergo, Lar.
And it almost worked because I think wolves had the exact same idea for a while. (and arguably, did it anyway just with Haku instead of Lar)

As for N2, I have my little notepad screenshotted and posted in deadchat, so you can see my logic there.
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Old 08-25-2023, 04:14 PM   #33
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by Charu View Post
Honda say it here

This setup is cool. However, I think FFRTWG is severely underwhelming to play it properly.

Too many inactives and new players.

No offense
this setup was designed to be played in a live setting, which is a bit more conducive with stuff like millium and laura instantly nuking games

we're always glad newer players are playing, ofc

when sven proposed this setup to me, I was immediately very worried that it would have this problem and a bit more, but I'm glad we got a game out of it, even if it feels like there was more game to be played
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Old 08-25-2023, 04:20 PM   #34
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar View Post
Ok so after some sleep here's couple of complaints:

I don't think we need to keep replacing people doing the day phase, but especially at EOD. What's the reason we replaced Zenith? Did he request it? Because if he didn't then at least 3 others also hadn't meet post requirements at that juncture at the game. Why were they not replaced as well, from a mechanical standpoint?

Also I can sorta see the argument against speaking in codes but banning Al Bhed in the middle of a game where only like 1 person didn't get the joke and they fucking willed themselves to know anyway doesn't really seem like there was any sort of problem at any point over it.Also on what grounds would we even make it a rule? Would it have been different if I had spoken German? Japanese? If we can only use English wut happens wen wii dont use eet correcti?

IDK seems like a weird rule, and again if we decide it really is healthier for the game moving forward I don't really see why it had to stop here in real time and not be addressed post game

Was he introduced that early?
I guess I don't remember. Oh wait is Elliot the bouncer? I think I keep thinking of him as a baker but keep forgetting he started out as a bouncer. Or am I merging two characters in my mind? I did basically speedrun it.

It was a wild ride of a read with all the tone shifts it went through. I think about going back and seeing what other ridiculous plot points happened, but in a way once it became very centric on the AI characters I started having my fill, as interesting as some of those characters were

And yeah, definitely GGs
1) Zenith requested replacement

2) I wanted to stop the stuff with ciphers minutes earlier, and I was talking to sven about it, and he wanted to let it play out. I agreed to let that happen, but then I saw you actually getting a wolfread on Arp (or trying to develop one), and felt like it had already tainted that moment of the game a little bit. Firstly, FFR is an English only forum, and while arguments can be made that Al Bhed is just a modified form of English, let's just like
think about the spirit of the game, right? You preface your post saying that you can kinda see it, right? Could it have waited until postgame? I guess... I did want to make it so that the topic didn't come up again, and I do recognize that I did this with one thing (ciphers) and not another (copy/pasting jailor chat). If the jailor chat thing came up again, I was going to make a post about it, and honestly, I think I deserve at least some criticism because the jailor stuff was more pressing.

3) just a quick point; do you happen to know why you thought copy/pasting private chats has always been legal? It very explicitly hasn't been for a long time now, probably close to a decade.
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Old 08-25-2023, 04:29 PM   #35
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

after seeing the game play out, I think town really did make a big mistake by killing no one on the first day
it feels like less of a mistake than it basically ever has been to kill no one, so there's that at least

I'd probably feel tempted to do it myself, because the chance of the game just ending because of a millium claim would undo a lot of sven's efforts and that would fill me with a kind of guilt or remorse
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Old 08-25-2023, 05:03 PM   #36
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by the sun fan View Post
1) Zenith requested replacement

2) I wanted to stop the stuff with ciphers minutes earlier, and I was talking to sven about it, and he wanted to let it play out. I agreed to let that happen, but then I saw you actually getting a wolfread on Arp (or trying to develop one), and felt like it had already tainted that moment of the game a little bit. Firstly, FFR is an English only forum, and while arguments can be made that Al Bhed is just a modified form of English, let's just like
think about the spirit of the game, right? You preface your post saying that you can kinda see it, right? Could it have waited until postgame? I guess... I did want to make it so that the topic didn't come up again, and I do recognize that I did this with one thing (ciphers) and not another (copy/pasting jailor chat). If the jailor chat thing came up again, I was going to make a post about it, and honestly, I think I deserve at least some criticism because the jailor stuff was more pressing.

3) just a quick point; do you happen to know why you thought copy/pasting private chats has always been legal? It very explicitly hasn't been for a long time now, probably close to a decade.
1 I should have said this when H&H said this but yeah, fair enough. I still think all replacements should happen at night because that absolutely changes how EOD played out in my opinion and absolutely changed who Haku picked. Granted, for town it was probably all positive but any outside change would be preferred

2 I just don't think anything negative was happening because of it. My read and prodding on Arp is completely legitimate because it was using information that was in thread, I don't get how a read is suddenly not in the spirit of the game because it's using something not accepted in English.
I understand, thinking on it, we dont want players to use code/languages to withhold information from some players, but it still rubs me wrong to have the rule change mod game when that wasn't happening--Lord knows if anyone didn't get it they could ask, and the joke was basically me picking on Xel (which means, legally speaking, I read Arp based on reactions to shitposting which is totally legal &#128076 i just dont understand how this was negatively impacting the game

Actually half of D2's post were basically about it? Seems it helped if anything

3 Screenshots were never allowed for sure. Copy/paste has been for chats but not role PMs? God knows you could copy anything in Trailer Park Boys

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Old 08-25-2023, 07:21 PM   #37
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

your read was on something that shouldn't have been in the thread in the first place, because ciphers don't belong in TWG. I am CERTAINLY not accusing anyone of using ciphers for anything other than good, clean fun. But its something where I would rather draw the line much, much earlier than any place where the lines could be muddied or something. The talk of ciphers was, honestly, positively impacting the game, so I can accept that stepping in and saying something was a negative for the game, but I would argue that it is a fairly necessary one for game integrity.


ahhhhh, I see where the confusion happens for OOTC games, this is good to have this now rather than later so I know what to do for the wording of the rule.

Copy/pasting has been traditionally legal in OOTC games, I kinda really don't like that rule personally, but it should be up to the mod. This is the exception, rather than the rule, and its why you remember Trailer Park Boys the way you do.

Rule 2 of FFRTWG:
2) A player may not post their role PM, in part or in full, or any other communication they may have had with the host. Threatening to post your PM is not allowed. A player may not make reference to any communication they may have had with the host. You may not post, in part or in full, any part of any private conversation you may have had (wolfchat or masonchat). All of the above refers to quoting directly using the forum feature, posting a screenshot or screenshots, attempting to determine alignments by asking someone how their PM was worded, etc.

HOWEVER, it is contrasted with rule 2a
2a) Players ARE however, allowed to post private conversations with other players, so long as the rules of the game permit this (In game where Out of Thread communication is legal). It is also legal to produce fake conversations.


this is, confusing, I can see that now. What is a masonchat, or a jailorchat, other than a discussion with another player? This will be remedied before the next game begins. If you (or anyone) has any suggestions for how to make this distinction clearer, I'd love to hear it.
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Old 08-25-2023, 09:20 PM   #38
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by the sun fan View Post
your read was on something that shouldn't have been in the thread in the first place, because ciphers don't belong in TWG
All I'll add here is I don't remember it being in the rules, I don't remember discussions that implied it was an issue, I don't recall a mod pointing it out in sign ups. It absolutely was something that could be there before any rule against it is made.

If we're changing that moving forward, that doesn't change this game's use of it or it's context.

this is, confusing, I can see that now. What is a masonchat, or a jailorchat, other than a discussion with another player? This will be remedied before the next game begins. If you (or anyone) has any suggestions for how to make this distinction clearer, I'd love to hear it.
Personally if it's a copy/pasta that could easily be faked I think it probably doesn't destroy the integrity of the game any more then claiming and probably generates content

BUT I get some setups this isn't gonna fly, so we should handle it like the other rules and just have the host turn it on and off.

So by default, it's how you describe it: no sharing, period, of host made and monitored chats. That makes OOTC sharing on by default without any other work. Then we just make a rule that overrides it

Something like "Information Share" or whatever. No pics, but otherwise sharing is on (it's important to me that it still be possible to fake the logs for the majority of players, The way I think you feel about ciphers is how I feel about letting town provide hard evidence about their PMs/Logs

So then in sign ups it's easy to tell where we sit
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Old 08-25-2023, 09:51 PM   #39
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by Sourissette View Post
Yeah, I decided to use my newbie-and-confused status to my advantage. I wasn't sure if it was going to work as well as in real life because I'm small, I have a quiet voice and I look young. In the Werewolf games I played I was never ever suspected lol
You're gonna be a deadly player in a few games if you keep rolling with these peeps... I'm calling it now. Keep signing up for games!
Originally Posted by Antori View Post
i can't vote shadow god because his profile picture gives me motivation to check on the thread regularly
Originally Posted by Svaz View Post
more like Shad-hoe God am I right haha
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TIL women have breasts because of horniness
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sunfan I fucked up
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Xel claiming that I am incapable of making mistakes and using that logic to paint me as scum does things to my body that I thought only Lewdy's stash could do

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 View Post
your hentai collection is commendable. i am both in awe and afraid of you
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Old 08-25-2023, 10:14 PM   #40
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Default Re: TWG 208: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (side-episode) [POST-GAME]

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 View Post
You're gonna be a deadly player in a few games if you keep rolling with these peeps... I'm calling it now. Keep signing up for games!
it is true that no one publicly suspected her once
at least nothing more than in passing
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