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- FFR 4th Official Tournament: Division 2 - Participant
- FFR 7th Official Tournament: Division 1 - Participant
- FFR 8th Official Tournament: Division 2 - Participant
- FFR 11th Official Tournament: Division 3 - Participant
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Tournament Drawings!
Posted on: April 6, 2013, at 08:44:31pm   [2 comments]
ugh that first one took way too long! i'm sorry to the people who are still waiting. but here's the first drawing for alloyus of Division 6: i'll make changes if you want and then i was thinking i could mail them? let me know what you guys think. i'm going to ask each person now what they want and then do them in the order my number generator gives me. D7 is next...more coming soon!

yeah! here's number 2 for samurai7694 D7: and D1 is third! wheeeeeeee now i'm on a roll :D

Posted on: February 17, 2013, at 01:09:10pm   [0 comments]

( )FC songs up to level 50
( )AAA songs up to level 10
( )FC 50% of public songs
( )FC songs up to level 60
( )AAA songs up to level 20

etc...add more later.

3/9/13 Yeah! Got Otaku Speedvibe [Heavy] with an Enchanting Venus AAA, i was trying with Origin of Species but then it just magically happened :D Still a long way to go though. But i was pretty proud of that ^^

8th Official Tournament
Posted on: January 22, 2013, at 04:29:24pm   [0 comments]
Placed in Division 2 right meow, and apprehensive since I only made it to Round 4 in D1 in the 7th OT :/ Thinking maybe I should still be in D1 but we'll see. Maybe I moved up since there's an extra division this time?

.......yup I'm screwed lol.

First Round: Swaying Sunflowers-AAA
Ok...up to...uhh 17 plays on the first song, Swaying Sunflowers. Got a blackflag so only one thing to do from here. That's the only thing bad about a blackflag it's like "heyyy i improved from 51 goods to 13, then 7 now all i have to do is lower that, ok got 3 goods sweet i only got one good now i just have to...shit." HHHNNNNNGGGGGGGG

YES!!! Thank sweet baby jesus, onto Round 2!!

Round 2: Wonder World!-AAA
This song's pretty cool, nice and short ;) right now i have a 2G and i'll try to get the AAA tomorrow. It's easier than i expected *knock on wood* and i almost want to say this round's gonna be AAA or die for D2 o.O but we'll see...

BAH 3 blackflags so far for this song >=( not cool, bro. don't worry 5 people who bet on me, I won't let you down! :D

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha..ha...heh. i did a happy dance!

Wheeeee 6 people voted for me! I feel like Sally Field. impatiently awaiting round 3...

Round 3: ice valley "beyond the searoad"-AAA
ugh i played a few quick rounds last night but the lag was terrible so i only got a 16 clean before i went to sleep. and it bothered me all day seeing my name sink lower and lower into death...but i managed to claw my way out pretty fast once i got home :) i like all the songs D2 got so far and this one's pretty catchy as long as i don't play it over a thousand times like firebird...that damn song. anyways, back to bees-ness.
Now i'm sulking >:( those 3 sets of burst thingies in the middle make me choke every time, i just can't seem to wrap my mind around how fast i need to go/what notes to hit. my fingers go derp! i don't even know how i managed to scratch up a 3 clean on it, now i can barely make it past the middle without like 9. i've been practicing the isolation file but i can only do like 4 goods. *sigh*
The smallest possible steps!! 3 to 2. but it's still improvement :D
Ok, got a blackflag! now i can has AAA? i got the blackflag while playing around a kitty on my lap too so i'm prepared for any distraction that should come my way...
OMG finally. a bit nervous for round 4 lol

Round 4: ULTRAnumb-AAA
2/13 the good news is i knocked it down to 4G pretty quickly and now i'm at 3G after a few more plays. bad new is 10 people have already AAAd and i smell a AAA or die round which did NOT bode well for me last time. >=( prepare your anus, keyboard, cause my fingers are gonna be all up in there till i AAA this song.
2/14 ughhhhh i'm sitting on a blackflag and i'm still not safe. but i keep forgetting it's still early in the round it's not like i have to do it by tonight. i just need to calm my tits and everything will be fine.
2/15 omg i'm so happy i could cry :D i've been mad since last night cause my fingers were derpy and then the engine was lagging. i totally thought i was gonna f it up at the end too, i was sooooo nervous. AAAing all 4 rounds is a huge accomplishment for me and i'm really happy i did it this round cause that would've just been mean if both tournaments i got eliminated round 4 by AAA or die. YAY! now i gotta go skill boost like it's nobody's business...
2/16 wowww officially AAA or die and there's still 3 days left o.O and there's prolly gonna be at least one or two more which just means more competition for the top 8 spots...*glares determinedly*

Round 5: Futari, Hajimari.-1094/3/0/0/0
2/20 well last night i managed a 6G on our new song and today i'm wondering how i did that lol haven't managed to sdg it since. *sigh* but i reeeealllly want vRofl...
2/22 ok...improved by one good and managed to get out from under the line, but not safe by far :( k, my wrists are officially hurting lol time to stop for tonight i think.
2/23 yeah! managed 3 goods! not safe yet though.
2/24 up to exactly as many plays as ice valley and it seems i get worse every time i play it :( it's like i'm missing a couple parts so i practice and practice and screenshot them and figure it out and then i'm like "cool, now i can do those parts perfectly" but then my brain's all "but wait, there's more!!" and then i start messing up parts that i could do perfectly before so i have to figure those parts out..........and it just goes on and on...never give up!!! never surrender. keep it secret. keep it safe. no luke, i am your father. yup i'm cracking up *eye twitches*

Round 5 1/2: Move It Groove It (Heavy)-1081/11/1/0/0
2/26 omg i was soooooo scared the last hours of round 5. even so, Garquillex and i are tied right now and they're waiting till they fix the issues with the site till we play the tie breaker *gulp* i'm wondering what song it's gonna be, a new song or an old song. ugh ffr is being so annoying right now though i can literally only get on just long enough to get to one page at a time before the site goes back down, and last night when i was trying to play for like 4 hours it was doing the same thing. guess we just have to wait now...
3/1 7:00 PM Server Time-wellllll....not looking to good over here, i have a 11/1/0/0 right now, but Garquillex has a 6/0/0/3 soooo...yeah. Now i have to drive 3 hours and then i'll be able to play for a couple more before 12 server time but i'm not too sure :/
3/3 welp i'm out. life took priority over whoring the song for a couple more hours, so now i get to try again for vRofl by playing a different song. kinda disappointed i didn't make it to top 8 but really at the beginning of the tournament i thought i was screwed cause i was put in D2 instead of D1 so i guess i did ok lol.


Special Round: Overdrive (aaronmusslewhite)-1214/47/6/3/11
3/3 *gulp*

Round 7 (ghost): LUV CAN SAVE U-???
3/7 ughhhh...didn't get vRofl...i'm tired :( i think i need a break from ffr for a little bit. sometimes i find that if i play a lot and then come back after a break i get better. unfortunately there's no time for that in tournaments. i think i'll play each rounds song a couple times just to see how i do but other than that i think ima rest my poor hands. it's been fun though. and D2's insane. all ya'll mofos.

Comment wall
anubis2003 writes...
at 1:53:59pm on 7/3/16
Yeah, I was hoping I'd be able to get above the cutoff, but I was not getting close. Most runs through Follow You I'd have 80+ greats and still plenty of misses. That was just not my song. Oh well - there's always next year!
anubis2003 writes...
at 7:39:59am on 6/29/16
Time for you to join me back above the cutoff :)
anubis2003 writes...
at 7:43:31am on 6/23/16
Yup - I still come by the site from time to time. Not expecting much out of the tournament but thought I'd see if I can make it through a round or two. Good luck :)
Squirtle x3 writes...
at 9:22:15am on 4/7/13
Hey c:
PriestREA writes...
at 2:55:38am on 4/7/13
:P i'm sorry i'm a complete mess at the moment
PriestREA writes...
at 2:39:29am on 4/7/13
you should draw me an extremely high person smashing keys on his keyboard :P
this way everyone will know the essence of my life
alloyus writes...
at 12:06:45am on 4/7/13
Omg no it's perfect <3 Thank you so muchhhh
alloyus writes...
at 9:35:39pm on 3/25/13
ughhh so exciteddd you're great
alloyus writes...
at 3:20:35pm on 3/24/13
Sorry for late response, just messaging you this way because it's probably easier/won't clutter tournament thread. Could I have an anime cat girl? :3 With cat ears (NOT just a headband, you can decide if the cat ears are her only ears or not, I'm not sure which would look better xD) and paws and a tail, maybe some little kittens being part of some setting? I dunno. Would be awesome if it were a little sexy ;3 (I sound so creepy with this request XD) thank you so much thoughhhh
arcnmx writes...
at 1:01:16am on 3/22/13
Thanks :D
Wait did I win a drawing? :o
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