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Last Activity:12-16-2008
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Member for: 17.11 years
Gaming Region:USA - Great Lakes
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shatteredgravity's Details
About me:
sam, gramma, trouble, squirt, cutie, blondie, sunshine... call me what you will. first and foremost, i love my Savior. i write. alot. mainly poetry and journaling. i draw alot too, but mainly horses. and horses are pretty much a sliver of heaven. music is mai life. i can get pretty hyper a lot of the time, but im only hyper because i get so happy.. or tired. i have high standards, but maybe too high. i love just standing in the rain, listening. and songs full of perfect lyrics. i love stars.. and windows. climbing random things is becoming funn. caffeine and sugar are my drug. im insecure. and apparently im intriguing... and hard to get, but i suppose sometimes i like it that way. im afraid of smiley fries. i learn new things every day, good or bad. i can be a quite a jealous person, but i dont like it. i am not a fan of change. i live for words, but somedays i just wish we didnt have them at all. im an overthinker, which is a bad thing. i also love photography. and.. im always in love.
Fav Music:
showbread, anberlin, hawk nelson, nevertheless, flee the seen, krystal meyers, flyleaf, familyforce5, mae, falling up, jon mclaughlin, jars of clay..
Fav Movies:
national treasure, monty phython and the holy grail, lord of the rings, the phantom of the opera, corpse bride, eragon, princess of thieves, pirates of the caribbean [i have a mad affection for jack sparrow], the messengers, bridge to terabithia for it intrigues me ^^, FLICKA, ratatouille : ]..
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Random Thoughts
an excuse to stay
Posted on: January 17, 2009, at 04:31:27pm   [0 comments]
oh, captain
my dear captain
why do i feel
as if i've let you down?

how you tip your head
how your eyes wrap around my shoulders
i know you know
but i don't know what you think,
as you do me

oh, nameless
believe me, i know your name
you've been burned into my memory
you are different to me
and i can't breathe a word
please accept my smile, my laughter
as a kind word, a thought to you

then, quick
cast your eyes away
before their pleasant darkness
sweeps me out to sea

Posted on: October 21, 2008, at 05:10:00pm   [0 comments]
what i was in june 2008
can never compare to what i am now.

i wish you could see me now
i wish i could show you how
i was

: ]

a blu
Posted on: June 11, 2008, at 01:46:09pm   [0 comments]
we name trees
we're so afraid
so alike

we love to be held
we revel in the outside
so alike

i ache
to see you ache

maybe you still dislike me
sorry i'm still growing
i'd like to reach out, but it's hard

and i still can't tell you
how much i love you
how i wish i could comfort you

Posted on: May 7, 2008, at 07:11:47pm   [0 comments]
i'm a pretty impossible lady to be with
over you over you over you over you over you
but nevertheless,
i stand


that's my middle name right there
not jo, not sue, not mae
like kim possible?
just more impish
and less fantastic

lael is coming
and besides the MS Depression, i think i truly need this
not just because a certain boy will be there [being all musically inclined and such]
but because i'm only bringing clothes, my bible, my journal.
not maipod, nor gameboy
because i need to do that
to listen
not focus on the music like i usually do

samantha impossible
yes, i like it

never really did see why tons of boys got their sights on me
insecure, loud, introverted, hates phones, swears - oh yeah, she's a real catch
.. yet repeatedly i'm told that i truly am

and yet your asian vocabulary
goes right over my head

1180790 to 1561700
Posted on: April 23, 2008, at 04:36:33pm   [0 comments]
i've got to be honest
i've been playing for over a year
and MAXforever
is a major armkillerrr
perseverance though
i like it

and my little beast of a drummer boy?
i hope you're sincere
two hearts like ours?
we could make this right

be honest
and smile
a lot : ]

Comment wall
acdcrocks24 writes...
at 8:30:31pm on 12/11/09
miss me beautiful
Mental Mage writes...
at 10:07:05am on 1/19/09
Hey you :D Lol, just saw all my pretty comments. Well remember that bad thing I was waiting to happen? At 10/25/07 well 12/31/07 she broke up with me :P. Guess that counts as a bad thing hehe, however things are much better now :D, throw me a pm or AIM MSN whatever. BAI.
pt_dance_pt writes...
at 10:04:25pm on 11/10/08
thank you.
sorakh275 writes...
at 4:23:35pm on 9/18/08
khkairi__ writes...
at 11:55:39am on 12/8/07
SalemZOMBIE writes...
at 9:31:57pm on 11/1/07
RAWR thankies
Mental Mage writes...
at 3:14:08pm on 10/25/07
Really really good :D. I get to see Tessa on Saturday. Im so excited. She's amazing and I love her so much. Shes like my other half, but me being a pessimest is still waiting for something bad to happen but the more time goes on the more I realize that she does love me as much as I do her, and that nothing bad IS going to happen :P its fun
Mental Mage writes...
at 5:44:28pm on 10/22/07
*huggles* I guess Im just lovable :P. Thanks for bein there for me though.
Mental Mage writes...
at 5:18:23pm on 10/22/07
hmm that didn't come out right. I was trying to refer to your age... instead I failed... again.
Mental Mage writes...
at 5:17:46pm on 10/22/07
Ya baby :P. *huggles* I proud of me too :P
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