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Getting close to top 30
Posted on: February 23, 2024, at 11:37:43pm

So.. today's been fun. xD

If anyone's wondering what actually happened, check the Brag Board thread I made.
(tl;dr got 30 rg on Mondo Brutale and made Matthia go "??????")

This session was a once-in-a-blue-moon thing, and I don't expect to have another for a while.. especially because I'm also in the middle of college, trying to balance classwork with VSRGs. Yeah.. not good.

Also, if you're in my list of highlighted friends on my profile, you're someone on FFR that I enjoy talking to. (Choof isn't listed because he hasn't friended me yet, but he should.)

Anyways.. peace out, for now. Maybe expect an updated profile theme soon, but until then.. I don't know. xP

  1. !!!!!!