Flash Flash Revolution Video Database

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Author: h
Type: Flash Flash Revolution Videos
Description: f
  1. Really sad to see that

  2. boi i is got no sc no mo

  3. where the fuck is your soundcloud i wanted to listen to a certain track

  4. eh idk I did away with discord some time ago, I feel obligated to keep it that way altho I been tempted :P

  5. get on discord u scrub

  6. wait why are my videos the ones people compare scores on? I mean I only loaded this up to "play it" on video once on this rate. 6 goods is nice klimt 8)

  7. how do you even get your fingers to tap so fast

  8. 6-0-0-0

  9. Damn. shits crazy. I tried 1.2 and got 36-2-11-4 on 1x speed. Not warmed up, though

  10. E