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Old 12-4-2022, 04:44 PM   #1
FFR Player
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2
Smile Python as a first programming language

I understand basic programming syntax and took a class on Java in High School (not a complete understanding of it by any means). I've been procrastinating what programming language to start learning since I was 13 and first tried and gave up learning C++, which I'm not sure why I started on it.

I'm interested in a lot of the free software and how many things are written in C for GNU/Linux. I really don't know where to start so I've been starting to learn Python based on the "Python Crash Course" Python 3 book, which is pretty good to learn from so far. I was wondering what the next course of action should be as I get more comfortable? Should I eventually go into C? I kinda want to work as a programmer but I also would love to just have it as a general skill of mine, because it's not like I'm not going to have personal reasons to code. And I want to finally understand GNU/Linux a bit better.

And lots of things seem to be written in C. But not everything. And I feel like I'm in a Spanish-speaking nation and I don't know how to speak the language when I see how much of it is around.
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