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Old 02-24-2024, 03:23 PM   #11
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Default Re: I have no idea how to title this

if you want my terrible advice, don't come out.. just don't. coming out to homophobic/transphobic individuals will result in them looking for any excuse they can to fuck with you (source: i tried coming out in 2019 and my parents are still making jokes about it.)

to be quite honest, i'd say to just ignore people trying to say homophobic/transphobic stuff to you. people who want to say these things are looking for you to finally break and bow to them.. don't let that happen. instead, i believe you should try and find a support group online instead of offline, as your area might not be so.. receptive, to anyone in the LGBTQIA+ community (if your living situation is like this, i don't expect the surrounding area to be so nice either.) i believe it's quite hard to learn/pull off, but if you stop allowing people's words to be valuable, you start to become slightly less vulnerable to them.

also, if you're buddhist in a christian household, especially in this age of religion creating massive dividing lines between people in america, i would heavily suggest against making anything known about your beliefs in this at all. you might put yourself in serious danger if you do, and i don't believe that getting hurt for your religion is a very smart move.
if you can't leave just yet, then going quiet might just be the solution.. for me, it's been creating an entire alter ego for myself that acts like a cis male, just for my (extremist, {homo,trans,xeno}phobic, racist..) parents.

if anything in this was inflammatory, i apologize; these are just my beliefs.

Last edited by br1mst0ne; 02-24-2024 at 03:33 PM.. Reason: me when i can't read people's posts and accidentally spread misinformation
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