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Old 05-20-2023, 09:18 AM   #6
Flower Baby♥
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Default Re: how's life been guys

I love Ally!!!


Life for the most part for me has been both very happy and very difficult. I've been dealing with a lot since 2022 regarding my 13 year old sister and my mom. I had to make some difficult decisions to testify as a witness against my mom in order to give my little sister a better chance at life. It's hard having to speak up against someone who has been there your whole life, but I would have never felt okay with myself allowing the cycle to continue.

Thankfully, my sister is in a better home now (with her dad), and she's doing much better for herself in a positive environment. I'm still learning now to having a life without my mom, but I would sacrifice that relationship again if it meant my sister would be okay. I just hope my mom heals herself and is able to understand why I had to do it one day, and we can repair what was broken.

Regarding the very happy, I am ALSO engaged and to MrPreggers (Fitsum!). We've been engaged since November of 2022, and our wedding date is November 4th, 2023. I've been having so much fun wedding planning, and it's nice seeing it all come together as the date comes closer. It's going almost a little too fast, we are less than 6 months away from the big day, and I'm a little scared I won't have enough time!! But it'll all be okay.♥♥

I have been at my current job for over a year now as an admin assistant at a family-owned tool & die company. There comes different types of work drama with it all being family there, but it's definitely the best job I've ever had, and they're all so good to me and treat me like I'm family too.

I wish the best for all of you. I wish you all so much happiness and positive futures. Keep working for your goals, I'll be cheering you on!!
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