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Old 12-20-2022, 03:58 AM   #50
Simfile JudgeFFR Simfile Author
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Join Date: Jun 2022
Posts: 80
Default Re: FFRMas 2022 Token Giveaway!

Why did you join FFR and what makes you stick around?
I can't remember who, but someone made a thread about FFR on the Insomniac Games forum. At the time it was the only forum I actually used in part because we only got home internet a few months earlier in 2006. It was the coolest thing I had yet seen, and even had a very modest playerbase in my high school (though I never interacted with them directly).

I stick around for a massive combination of nostalgia, a top notch community, a wide variety of achievements to strive for and a curated selection of some of the highset quality files any vsrg has to offer all from (for now) a single small download. Plus some behind-the-scenes stuff is kind of interesting to follow/create.

What is the story behind your username?
Tru > Lifted directly from the model of TV my Mom got for free after getting enough points for it in the catalogue from the store she worked at. It became my TV that I used all the time for my PS1, PS2, Gamecube and Wii. It's a 20" RCA TruFlat TV that I still occasionally use for my old consoles.
Maestro > Pretentious, socially clueless 14-15 year-old me
Why I dropped "maestro" > I can't create or play a melody on an instrument/computer to save my dang life lmao. Once ositz started shortening "trumaestro" to "trums" I decided I didn't want to chance being confused for someone else who started here but has actual musical talent. Also I'm not 14 anymore lol. So I copied Wirry and made a new social/chart account and keep the old one for playing/scores so I don't have to re-get tokens etc.

Who from FFR makes a significant impact on your involvement in the community and why? (For example this can be someone from FFR you idolize/respect, an FFR rival that pushes you to improve, or a good friend from FFR that you made since joining.)
I kind of find it difficult to list out individuals but
-SGX - Was the first musician I ever actively tried to follow online. I remember pushing for them to be included in the only round of Support Tokens (when Tass held a SponCon for it) and buying it as soon as it was out and I could convince my Mom to let me use her credit card.
-flipsta_lombax - Beat me creating an account here by a bit but was also a member of the Insomniac Games forum at that time.
-Shoutout to Breakdown16 or anyone else that I didn't remember interacting with in the former PMS forum minigame
-Also shoutout/apologies to all the judges that have looked at my files over the years. I've definitely sent quite a few stinkers in my time but have got ample, critical feedback to help improve. A testament to this community's quality focus.

Outside of that it's just a big shoutout to this community in general. This is by far the best community I've had the pleasure of being a part of. Y'all keep that shit up yo

What kind of feature would you want the most in FFR? (Can be for the game or the website.)
-Borrow another page from Etterna and have live gameplay customization, to actively see the effect of changing settings.
-Live chart previews and/or NPS graphs in menu
-Permissions Thread v9 eventually
-Also can't wait for RRR
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