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Old 06-14-2022, 03:54 AM   #2
Minijacks Do Not Exist
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Default Re: Was a possible steam version in the works or am I imagining seeing a post a long time about that

Actually yes, there was a thread!

A Steam version was planned, but some aspects of the game were hard to implement. (Skill Tokens, Credits, Steam Overlay being bad, etc.)

Originally Posted by Velocity View Post
I won't say much about it, but a steam version is planned but I'm running into technically issues with how the game interacts with steam, with things like the overlay and notifications. On top of that, there isn't any clear instructions/tutorials for new players to get into the game or how to player and honestly the settings menu is completely overwhelming for most players as well.

Because of the small screen size of the game, steam notifications take up a large amount of screen space when they appear and the overlay is way too small to be usable. It also breaks when the overlay itself opens and doesn't appear to be closable in any reliable way.

Things are still in testing for fixes to these issues, so an update on it will come at a later date. Work is still going on a new version of the site that has a lot less issues for things like real time rank updates and leaderboards that don't take 10+ seconds each time, along redoing a lot of the site navigation to be clearer for new players and returning players.
Originally Posted by rushyrulz View Post
Because the argument was made that Steam wouldn't boost the popularity of the game much if there are still fundamental flaws with the new player experience.
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