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Old 12-28-2014, 04:50 PM   #58
Retired StaffFFR Simfile AuthorD7 Elite KeysmasherFFR Veteran
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Default Re: Should we consider double setup "legit"

Originally Posted by icontrolyourworld View Post
That's completely different from YOU playing with 4 fingers and YOU playing with 8 fingers, or 2, or 3 or 1. We've changed this mentality in the past. It's not cheating to to play on a keyboard compared to pad because it's still YOU playing.
keyboard mentality, for ffr specifically, will never go beyond "4 fingers, 4 keys"
double setup will almost assuredly never be taken seriously; index and one-handed scores are barely taken seriously nowadays unless they're from unbelievably good players (etienne, bynary, etc), and generally those scores would be insane even on spread

a huge part of it would be pattern manipulation. any jack that's beyond your skill with 4k spread would be trivialized with a double setup: it turns the jack into a trill, two totally different patterns.

let's also take into consideration how much double setup would segregate the community further. someone brought up this idea, but also look at it from a new player standpoint.

I would also argue that encouraging double setup, along with making files that cater to the playstyle, would have new simfile artists totally skipping over fundamentals and shitting out even worse files. this already happens now, with a playstyle that's been the norm for 10 years.

and lastly, double setup, when abbreviated, is "ds." darkshark was also known as "ds." you see where I'm going here.
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