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Old 12-27-2014, 11:21 PM   #10
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Default Re: Should we consider double setup "legit"

Originally Posted by gold stinger View Post
FFR is 4key rhythm based game, not 8key. The game wouldn't be based around properly trying to hit patterns anymore, but trying to remember which areas of a song constitutes a 'double-tap'. I say leave it as is right now.

It also has a lot more to do than just "getting good scores on jackhammer madness", it has to do with response time, and speed, which is what makes up a large majority of good players. Don't think I'm trying to defend good players in the slightest - the problem is that 100% of players would have to scrap their playstyles for a playstyle that no one has practice using, for the chance of being able to get better scores.

tl;dr using 4 keys for 4 arrows is kind of a given and I don't see why FFR would constitute legibility of using 8 keys instead, or 16 keys, or 32, or a bot.

just like how people started using hands & quads when keyboards started registering more than 2 keys at a time,
accepting 8key setup gives valid reason for charters to create 0-framers on purpose.
i kind of figured that this would come up
iirc didn't people consider spread to be like cheating when index and one hand were the norm?

Originally Posted by qqwref View Post
Yes, the "vibrating age" is pretty much over. Now the most impressive scores are incredible speed achievements. There's really no reason that couldn't be done with double setup too, though, with enough time, because double setup is fundamentally better than single setup. But double setup also allows someone to do a Dossar style "controlled mash" at twice the speed, with 1/100th of the skill requirement of actually playing the thing. Is that really something we want to see, D4 players easily FCing anything in the game, and top people getting a C on 900bpm stream charts and files as hard as vrofl? Take a hard 8key stream file, offset the right hand by a 32nd, layer the two sides on top of each other, and you'll see what kind of files people will be playing after a year or two of double setup being the norm.

If you want to do double setup, play it as a separate thing. Maybe you'll get some competition. But in almost all cases it destroys the impressiveness of speed scores, destroys the feel of playing a chart the way it's stepped, and makes it way easier to mash through anything difficult. Who wants that?
that's just the thing though! we knowingly acknowledge that double setup could be fundamentally better, and it does change the game, but who's to say that could be a really bad thing?
It probably would lead to double the speed of a dossar mash, i don't agree that it would be without effort though. you'd still have to work on reading skills and a lot of coordination
this would result in some ridiculous scores if done correctly but it would still be impressive at least to me

Last edited by icontrolyourworld; 12-27-2014 at 11:24 PM..
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