Thread: 3DS Games
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Old 07-30-2014, 06:16 AM   #7
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Default Re: 3DS Games

Originally Posted by danny53x View Post
I'm really tempted to just digital download it with my debit card, but at the same time I want a hard copy to go on my bookshelf. Anyone have experience with digital?
No idea if I'm in the majority on this issue, but I would advise against purchasing digital versions of retail games on Nintendo consoles. If you lose your 3DS or drop it in the pool... poof! Games are gone. Sinking a couple hundred dollars into attaining a handful of games only seems like a safe investment to me if I have the option to replace the hardware and keep those games.

edit: scroll down oops

edit2: Here's my revised take on physical versus digital copies of 3DS games. With either format, you should make the purchase with the understanding that you may not have the game forever. A broken console would need to be sent to Nintendo regardless; you should be able to keep all of your purchased games. A lost or stolen console probably means you lose all of your digital purchases made on that console, although having a police report might help your chances. In the same vein, though, losing physical cartridges along with the 3DS would be likely. Losing games without losing a console is quite possible as well.

In any case, I guess the ideal practice would be to finish the games you care about before you lose or destroy them! I prefer physical copies of 3DS games over digital, but the convenience of getting to play stuff you download immediately is pretty rad. Oh, and digital copies of retail games take up space, I think. The stock SD card might not cut it for those who download their games.

Last edited by dAnceguy117; 07-30-2014 at 02:52 PM..
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