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Old 05-4-2014, 01:41 PM   #9
The Worst
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Default Re: Satanic Monument for OK Statehouse

Originally Posted by devonin View Post
I think this is exactly what needed to happen.

Church and State are separate. This is not hard for rational people to understand. Somebody finds a loophole to drop some Christian religious iconography onto government property, this is -exactly- how you make them either change the rules to adhere to the constitution, or else sure, door's open for everybody, and the lawn will be covered in every kind of religious symbol possible.
well i mean all the us constitution says is that the government must treat all religions equally. there isnt anything that demands a separation of church and state, that's a phrase used to loosely describe the situation.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ...
basically it's all about where the line is. according to law, there really shouldnt be a problem with a statue of the ten commandments outside a courthouse, as long as every religion has the same opportunity. it's why the satanists can do what they're doing, because in this case that is adherence to the constitution. but i guess disallowing any kind of iconography on public property is another way to deal with the situation, but it is no more legal than open access.

all the first amendment does is prevent one religion from being set apart from the rest, for good or for ill.
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