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Old 04-22-2014, 07:01 PM   #7
What is this I don't even
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Default Re: 24,000 Credit giveaway

Three guys arrive at the gates of heaven and the gate keeper tells them that there is only room for one of them to get in, and whoever had the worst death would be let in. The first man starts. "I thought my wife was cheating on me, so i came home early from work to try to catch her in the act. She was in the shower, but something didn't seem right so I looked around and found the guy hanging from my balcony. I stepped on his fingers and he fell three stories to the ground, but landed in a bush so I took my refrigerator and pushed it off the balcony and killed him. I felt so awful the I grabbed my gun and shot myself" The second guy says " I way trying out my new yoga mat on my fourth story balcony when I fell. I amazingly caught the balcony below me, but then this guy stepped on my fingers and I fell to the ground. Amazingly I landed in the bushes and was ok...until a refrigerator fell on me." The third guy says "Picture this, you are hiding naked in a refrigerator..."
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