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Old 01-7-2014, 07:28 PM   #29
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Default Re: beating a dead horse

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen View Post
I'm all for getting a point across, but the opening post of this thread certainly wasn't the right way to do it. Given the context of this thread, you were aware of the fact that it was inaccessible given that nois-or-e was your point of contact, when other staff was simply messaged for acknowledgment. Staff not giving you a straight answer is a bad thing, but it is a lot easier for you to talk to the person responsible for the situation and push your way through rather than being a nuisance about something to others who might not be able to resolve your situation. Direct communication is an important thing.
Point taken on the opening post part.

On the other hand, I did intentionally make this a public thread and not a private message. I have privately talked to Sprite-, Velocity, Zageron, Sky Kitten, Bmah, and nois-or-e all about this page and have been told on numerous occasions either 1) I don't have access to it, go ask someone else or 2) I'll bring it up and see what we can do. But this was over the course of the last year that I've been pushing this, and nothing has come of it. I don't have anything against our staff but to me the only way that seems like it will get enough attention to be focused on is if I make it something blatantly obvious and push it in public..

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen View Post
I can't speak for everyone on staff, but I know that there are a number of staff members you could have talked to that would have actually brought it up to somewhere it needed to be (or would have reiterated the same point if you brought it to attention with no response). It's really not hard to respond to a user's questions.
I do agree with what you've said here and I have no doubt that they probably did what they said they would. But seeing as it's still not resolved, I felt the private route wasn't the best option. I try from time to time to message Velocity on Skype about the usermap thing and almost never get a reply about it. Privately contacting staff doesn't work for me, and if that's a reflection of my past with them then I guess that's the way it is. But it is what it is.

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen View Post
If nois-or-e has access to the page, he needs to be pestered about it. There's nothing else to it. He might have rescinded his position on FFR, but there are still obviously a few unresolved things from when he was staff. If he can't get back to you about it, then the page can be remade with people that will actually staff it consistently; a front page notification post can/should be thrown together so that the active forum users and casual users alike can go and give it attention. Anything in regards to social media and this site should be somewhere within clear sight.
I have pestered him about it, and as I said before in the last post I think it would be good if staff took it into their hands to reclaim the page. He isn't going to respond to me, and even if he did he isn't going to give me access to the page without staff approval, so it should be somebody in authority asking him for the page back. I'd like to think he'd give it back... making a new page really doesn't seem worth it.
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