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Old 01-15-2013, 04:28 PM   #144
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Default Re: Nuclear Blast JS Awesome Bomb Filez 5 Submissions OPEN

A few things!
Hi19 I still would like your moskau file and hayyayaeyyya and mokomo kore files, if you're reading this thread I haven't forgotten
I remember you said you wanted to send me moskau and hayyaeyaey to make sure I had the right versions, and I asked for a few revisions on mokomo kore and I think you said you'd probably go ahead and fix that. I'll wait for ya and you still have plenty of time to do what you need because I still have to make a ton of files and that will take me a long time. Just posting this as a reminder that I still would like to have your files :3

Mi40 I'll be keeping your Beyond Abilities file because it's the best one made so far!!

Yo Man I'm Awesome, if you still want to step The Violation go for it! My file sucks

(Valor) Level 1-1: I like the file for this in KBU already, It's way more fun as a stream than jumpstream imo xD
(Jinpachikiller) Erasus: Incoming long review/suggestions
The first 10 seconds of the file I hear a 16th drum pattern that you could step to make this more interesting, it occurs throughout the file so keep an eye out for it and step it. 11 seconds to 21 seconds, you could keep this as freeze arrows, it might be cool to continue putting 8th notes though with the 16th pattern i mentioned early. Towards the end of this segment I don't agree with that jack at all, it doesn't make sense. 22 seconds to 43 seconds, just keep continuing with the 16th pattern that is audible, I hear a lot of ghosted 16th notes that don't belong here. Additionally for this file you could consider making the voice have jump notes. 43 seconds to 64 seconds, you can probably get away with ghosting this much 16th notes for the sake of making a jumpstream but you absolutely have to make the jumpstream itself more interesting if you keep it. I suggest putting jumps to the synthesizer and/or the strong drum and bass. I'd recommend putting the jumps just to the synthesizer to be honest, so that way you can save some sounds for a dramatic climax later on. 64-73 Follow the drum pattern and put jumps on the vocals as per usual. 73-75 This is extremely awkward. As in you can't hear the 16ths you put down and the freeze arrows go to the music. I suggest redoing this part by putting hands with freeze arrows going for a 4th note long. 75 seconds to 85 seconds step the drum pattern and put jumps on the vocals. 85 seconds to 91 seconds consider making the freeze arrows just 1 instead of 2, and step the vocals around them. It will be less boring that way. 91 seconds to 93 seconds, this is ok. At 94 seconds before the quad note make this a single note to the vocals. Make the quad note afterwards a jump with a freeze trailing off of one arrow and step the 16th drum pattern around the freeze arrow. I didn't mention anything about the 32nds earlier in this file, but they don't exist and you need to find another way to step the parts with your 32nd notes. 96 seconds to 117 seconds, again you can get away with ghosting all those 16ths for the sake of making it a jumpstream file but the jumpstream itself has to be spiced up. Since I suggested just making the previews jumpstream have jumps that go to the synthesizer, this time vocals have been added so you should put jumps to the synthesizer and the vocals. We'll put jumps to the drum and base next time, it'll be like a dramatic climax! 117 to 119 seconds this is ok, the trills afterwards need another look at. You can make them much more interesting and there's 1 ghosted 16th note that doesn't belong there at all. Slow down the song and you'll hear it. 120 seconds step the drum pattern and put jumps on the vocals as per usual. At 122 I want to note that this is pretty cool, since the 32nds actually work well with the vocals, I do however suggest making them rolls instead of trills. 131 seconds to 141 seconds, these are not supposed to be 12th notes, it doesn't go to the music at all D: instead step the drum pattern and put jumps on the vocals. 141 seconds to 147 seconds it's good that you put single freezes, you should also step the vocals around the freeze arrows! 147 seconds to to 197 seconds, if anyone was going to quit out of the song it would be here because it's so boring and lasts for a whole 50 seconds omg. SO I HAVE 2 SUGGESTIONS FOR THIS
1) You can cut the song at like 150 seconds and fade out and your file will be done here! (though I really think you should do the rest since I still wanna talk about dramatic climax!)
2) If you really want to continue then you're going to have to make this part 10,000 times more interesting than it is. Step the vocals with single notes, and the music you emphasized with hands you should make them instead a single freeze arrow lasting 2 4th notes long. at 151 you can hear the drums slowly slowly fading in, you can start stepping that if you want and make the vocals jumps if they land on the same spot as a jump noise. At 158 you'll hear the drum especially emphasized you should do the same, for this whole segment avoid putting double tap (aka an up arrow followed by another up arrow) BUT everytime you hear this sound you can put a double tap, once on the 4th then a second time on the 8th and that will emphasize this sound enough without making it a hand. At 187 you can leave this long freeze as it is. You don't have to do anything more. At 197 to 217 seconds Step the vocals and the synthesizer and the drum and bass with jumps, while putting a hand on the emphasized beat of the drum and bass. 217 to 219 Don't leave these as trills x.x put like interesting streams here and put jumps for the vocals. At 219 seconds to 229 seconds consider putting jumps on every 8th note and put hands on the emphasized beat of the drum and bass. at 229 seconds to Continue with putting 8th notes and hands on every emphasized drum and bass sound but also put hands on the synthesizer. 240 seconds the end of the file!! Put a freeze arrow and then 2 more freeze arrows for the last 2 notes, don't keep them as hands because the sound isn't heavy enough to warrant that.

WOOOOO I would not have reviewed that file if I didn't like the song lmfao
I really really hope you take this advice, I just wanna help you become better at stepping even though i don't know you xD
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