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Old 09-17-2011, 06:40 PM   #8
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Default Re: 5th Official FFR Photo Scavenger Hunt!

As far as I can remember, there is only like 1-3 things that are semi-driving related, and quite honestly you don't have to be driving driving (yes I put that twice). As far as drinking, no we don't have any like that. This competition is going to push you guys, but more for creativity/ingenuity for going out and actually getting these pictures =] it should be a blast.

EDIT: Looked through the list, none will require you to be driving, except maybe to get places xD You won't find all of this stuff at your house. (I hope >.>)

Sara, I'm going to have Kayla answer your question, I don't know if she has an opinion on it. I don't see a problem either way, as long as you guys are doing it together and not like, trying to recruit people or whatever lol. I remember insomniac doing the tasks with her bf in 09 and Tass never had any complaints then.

Double EDIT:

If you say something in this thread that is somewhat related to this at all, I will probably put you in the temp join list. If you don't want to do this, please say so in your post lol so I don't add you in.

Last edited by justin_ator; 09-17-2011 at 06:49 PM..
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