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Old 07-12-2011, 04:07 PM   #42
Zageron E. Tazaterra
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Default Re: [BW Contest] I'll Skin You Alive!

Try to approach the designing process at an object oriented standpoint.
Think about how something could be used once, or twice, or three times, or four times. Paint a dynamic picture, or piece together a vector puzzle. We reserve the right to change the exact way your style is implemented remember. Some things that you give us will be either impossible or lag the game to the ground.

I'm really exited to see what people come up with, being that I have a vast and creative mind but absolutely zero artistic ability.

If you are artistically inclined, and fast at it, pump out as many high quality themes as you can! You're allowed to do whatever you want, like velo said. If you want the genre wheel back, put it back! If you want a bulliton board with the grenres pinned up on it, go ahead! If you want the genres to be little turds floating around in a toilet bowl, **** it submit the thing!

Just remember to be reasonable, artistic, and realistic. We can't do 3D yet, and neither Velo or I are interested in programming 2.5D at the moment.
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