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Old 06-14-2011, 12:53 AM   #3
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Default Re: Duke Nukem Forever

That's what I read in every single review. Though there was only one review that a friend told me that gave it an 8/10 O.o

I mean seriously, I played the demo of it and saw the gameplay videos on youtube and even played the game once my friend bought it! And I knew that it was going to be a terrible game in the first place. And what's sad is that it took 14 years to make it and the end result was disappointing. Will someone please burn every single copy of DNF.

The AI was pretty much imbalanced (when I played the game at my friend's); some of which the enemies act derpish and die easily, or act like the practice dummies on CT (in Black OPs) where it seems that they (the enemies and sometimes bosses) would manage to hit you and kill you in the most bs spots that even you can't kill them with one shot. The graphics seemed to be okay on the character design (especially Duke), but its bland in the environment and enemies/bosses. Plus, its basically mashing CoD and Halo together to make one terrible game to put it off as a sequel for DN3D (which I do say is an awesome game and I wished that it could have received a better sequel than this crap...). Overall, this game is just going to bring rage and hate among gamers and DN fans alike. I mean seriously, if you're going to take 14 years to make a game, at least make it seem like you actually took every last drop of effort to make it a great game (ie: Starcraft 2, even though it didn't take 14 years, it did take a while to make that game and the game is perfect imo). This game gets a 0/10...and a 1940s broken mechanical King Kong look-alike. (fyi: this is my personal opinion on the game. I'm not sure how everyone else feels about the game, but this game is not worth wasting your money on.)
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