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Old 04-27-2011, 09:26 AM   #7
FFR Player
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 3
Default Re: So let's talk about QED stepfiles. (Let's talk about StepMania actually.)

One of the reasons why I think I lag as a simfile artist even though I've known StepMania and wanted to make my own steps for probably more than 4 or 5 years now (besides being lazy at times, busy at times, both at the same time even more often), is creating a song that fits a type of 'standard', knowing when to use trills, jacks, jumpstreams that make some sort of musical sense and a "fun" (read: totally subjective) pattern, instead of simply stepping to my feel. I try to make "clean looking" simfiles, and me being a perfectionst, usually end up either scrapping the whole thing or giving up on the song because I usually don't understand the standard people like.

I probably need to analyze other simfiles and copy from their expeRIeNcE, but why shouldn't I do it with my own feel and "style"? Which is the way QED probably thinks and steps. I am quite traditional, but I get lnick's point and why StepMania is the current StepMania.
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