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Old 01-22-2011, 10:18 PM   #1
FFR Player
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 293
Default King's and Takedown's Tournament!

This Tournament has Concluded. Thank you for playing

D7:TC_Halogen (1st, 2nd, 3rd Place)

D6:kjwkjw -- (1st Place)
pmonibuv1 (2nd place)
ic0slay3r (3rd place)

D5:Niala (1st place)
Matrixdude (2nd place)

D4:sweet2kill210(1st place)
Sweagen(2nd Place)

D3: Sweet_Feet (1st place)
Unreal143 (2nd place)
nois-or-e (3rd Place)

D2: TheSaxRunner05 (1st Place)
ce1545 (2nd place)

D1: Poison- (1st Place)
VarleyisDance (2nd place)

I would like some help finding who were the 3rd placers. My PC hates me and didn't save ANY Op's

1. Tofurox
2. Zadkiel91
3. nois-or-e
4. xDrumRemixKidx
5. Cold Kitten
6. YOSHl
7. Ziergdsx18
8. pmonibuv1
9. Shikari
10. LJRoX
11. hi_top
12. DuddyChuck
13. MP3 Player
14. TC_Halogen
15. icefox63
16. VarleyisDance
17. awein999
18. bob bob
19. FFRGreen
20. Sweagen
21. Superfreak04
22. Brycexx
23. Panic4Me
24. Elite Ninja
25. GG_Guru
26. mfdat phantom
27. hcmushroom
27. Unreal142
28. sweet2kill210
29. 8 Hour Whore
30. OneWingedAngel
31. Matrixdude
32. Prongsie
33. Andrew Mitchell
34. ic0slay3r
35. Jungels112
36. Niala
37. typing like wat
38. Ninty64
39. woker-x
40. Tidus810
41. basicdrummerman
42. TheSaxRunner05
43. ce1545
44. remedy1502
45. Sweet_Feet
46. Guest15937
47. _Stepdude_
48. 12target12
49. NocturneAunamic
50. botchi246
51. ShadowXall
52. sellyme
53. potter_rocks_out_loud
54. linky123456
55. kjwkjw
56. Poison-
57. psychoangel691
58. virus003
59. Josoda
60. krunkykai22
61. JD_Flava

Participants: 61 Final!!

Also Note that D4 is ending this round while all other Divisions are ending on Round 6. I need to divide the creds soon also

NOTE: People with a "[x]" In front of their name gets -100 score for not posting first round

Credit Pot: 400,000

Cold Kitten-20,000

Last edited by XKiNGXkILLaX; 02-22-2011 at 08:04 AM.. Reason: tourny
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