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Old 01-20-2011, 12:35 AM   #1
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Default MAJOR Lag Issues

Okay....this is going to be a bit of information, because I am not looking for answers like "use the standalone" anymore. The only info I can't give you (because I don't know) is how much ram and whatnot the computer has.

Lately, I have been playing the majority of my FFR on an offline engine. I do this for two reasons:
1. I can then play in my room, rather than in the kitchen.
2. It gives me NO lag whatsoever, unless it just happens to be a bad day with a random lag spike.

The computer in my room is an XP, the thing is old. It runs so nicely.
The computer in the kitchen is Vista. I hate it with a passion.

I can't have internet in my room, so a standalone on the XP is impossible. I need help finding a solution.

I have decided that my lag issues are not due to the game or server issues, but rather the computer itself. I don't know what the problem is, but here is a list of what I have tried:
  1. Regular FFR in every web browser (IE, FF, Chrome, Safari)
  2. Lite FFR in every web browser
  3. Standalone swf in every web browser
  4. Standalone with no browser in Flash 8 & 9
  5. Velocity's Engine in every web browser
  6. Velocity's Standalone in every web browser
  7. Velocity's Standalone with no browser in both Flash 8 & 9
You can repeat that list with everything again, adding in running Game Booster as well. None of it is working for all lags too much to play. I can't FC FMO's, and sure as heck can't AAA anything but Excite Bike.

Can anyone help me? I'm getting desperate....
Oh and p.s., even my offline engine lags on this computer a little.

And "move your computer or your internet" doesn't help me. I can't. It's my family computer and I can't have internet in my room, as I already stated. My parents are nazis. Help is greatly appreciated, guys. =]
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