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Old 10-6-2009, 08:21 PM   #17
FFR Veteran
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Default Re: dj max portable 2

@WTFBrandon: DJ Max Black Square
@Breakdown16: Okay so..

If you use your thumbs ONLY for the Left/Right/Up , Square/Circle/Triangle..
You can slide them, you'll get used to it (trust me, just practice), and you can also hit 2 notes at once (by using thumb to cover 2 buttons at once, usually Left/Up and Triangle/Circle.)

using more fingers = worse because it gives you less accuracy, because you have to time all your fingers to the beat, but if you use your thumbs only, it'll naturally give a synced feel (like, if you're hitting a stream of notes, using a finger for each button gives you a separated feel, but using a thumb only gives it more.. flow i guess..(

for 4 buttons using 1 finger per button is totally fine, you can still get 100% on all 4button songs like this

but starting from 6 button, it is impossible to get 100% on all the songs including lv13s because its just.. so uncoordinated with 6 fingers going at it at once..

i'll try to make a video of me playing Beat U Down LV 15 6bMX from black square sometime to show you what i mean by "rolling your thumbs" and "coordination" :P
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