Thread: 6 Key FFR
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Old 08-5-2009, 10:05 AM   #170
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Default Re: 6 Key FFR

Originally Posted by Oni-Paranoia View Post
A: True, but aren't you either Loved or Hated? (No in between?)
B: ---
C: Even so, imo why move on to something that gets more 'difficult' if you can't take on an easier task
D: I actually have played, first time being at ~Zero~'s house and wrecking the songest hard he passed on his first day within my third song.. Honestly, I play Solo here and there, but why move it from SM elsewhere..
E: I compare to it others because it's 'SOLO' and I still don't get why bring in 'SOLO' when it can just be left to SM

You say support because there is no reason to reject the idea, then yet I strongly feel like why try to implement this when there are still ideas that should be implemented in 4 key.. Such as other noteskins, more mods, other themes?

I feel like there isn't enough attention on 4 key to actually have another type of 'FFR' up and running. Even if so, once everyone realizes how hard it is to actually get there people become lazy etc etc and it goes nowhere..

No I'm not going to support this, because (Yes you've been waiting for this)

1. Not enough people that know/understand how to implement this would probably do it (finish it)
2. Not everyone has access to other 'fancy' games but like i stated, there is many flash games on the web that have 4-8 key usage. (Myspace, JamLegend etc)
3. I don't find solo any more fun than any other 4+ key game therefore why am 'I' going to support it, I just don't feel like it's needed or really wanted..


It's called, DL SM or play some other rhythm game you can probably find on many other websites.. or another game in general..

P.s. I noticed throughout the last 4 years that most new players don't care for on-sync steppable music, they just want something they can enjoy listening to. (a.k.a. Konami is doing the smart thing with putting famous artists songs in DDR, all though the songs are so stupid to be stepped)

=o $$
A: still don't understand what you're trying to say
B: ---
C: it's not "more difficult," it's a completely different style of play. easy 6 key files will still be easier than fgo 4 key files. this argument is totally stupid
D: I play ffr from time to time, but why play it when you can just do it on sm?
E: it's 'SINGLES' and I still don't get why bring 'SINGLES' to ffr when it can just be left to SM

this can be developed in parallel to 4 key's other features

1. still the only semi-valid argument you have
2. and do any of these have the same style of 6 key play that ffr will offer? I don't think so
3. oh it's needed and wanted alright, you just don't see it

btw some people can't even get sm to work on their computers. I'm not kidding

P.S. that's why we have easy files and hard files, for newbies that just want familiarity and veterans who can actually appreciate the game

still only one semi-valid argument, but whatever, lack of support from one person ain't gonna hurt us. at least you're not against us
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