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Old 07-30-2009, 11:32 PM   #10
lol internet
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Default Re: i need tips for one handed FFR. =/

One handin's hated on by most, mainly because in 5 weeks a new spread player could beat someone who's been playing using one hand for half a year. It's hard to stick with, and the most efficient way to play would be using spread, but if you're still undaunted, there are a few tricks.
8 hour gave his general approach, but there are other methods - mainly involving up/down trills or streams relying heavily on those keys. I use both my index and middle finger for the down arrow, depending on the patterns. Left/down trills and slow up/down trills I use my middle finger for the down key - but for faster up/down trills I use my index.
Bynary Fission (another great example of one handed prowess) uses 8 hour's method of relying solely on the middle finger for up and down. However he uses the index finger for up/down doubles. Korny (well-known one hander) would use the number pad, effectively using four fingers one handed - index on 4, middle on 8, ring on 6, and thumb I believe on 0 - someone correct me on this.
Korny's method is probably the fastest, utilizing four fingers, but it's certainly more awkward and will take a while to get used to.
For songs to start off with, I'd suggest basically any song difficulty 1-5 not stepped by synth.

Christ what a text block; I slimmed that down, too.

Originally Posted by SaguchiTheCat View Post
You are an ultimate humafag. Calling you an ultimate humafag is an understatement. You are a complete loonatic huma****! You should be shot with a bazooka for thinking this.
You've been hanging around the wrong furries, then. Most furries are nice people. ALL humafags are huge jerks. Environmentalists are good people who care about this planet, unlike you, Squeek.
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