Thread: IQ
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Old 07-1-2009, 03:12 PM   #219
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Default Re: IQ

This thread is going in all sorts of directions...

Originally Posted by MrRubix View Post
People don't realize how easy they have it. I feel like nobody really understands the context of my situation, and it's very isolating. So in some sick way my arrogance is a cry for help or desire for some kind of acknowledgment or understanding for what I've done in life.
I had always figured there was some underlying force, though I didn't imagine it had such extent. Having not been subjected to such circumstances, I can't really empathize, but I can at least offer an understanding of the arrogance. I suppose it's a justified complex, especially when it manifests via internet, which provides the dual convenience of social access and pseudo-anonymity.

Originally Posted by MrRubix View Post
What bothers me is that some people either ignore evidence that they are wrong, or are simply unable to understand the evidence.
I think the problem is often that they're so focused on establishing a reputation of credibility (or perhaps maintaining a longstanding one) that they basically remove admission of fault from their list of options. It's particularly prevalent on forums, where all people have to judge you by are your posts. Consequently, first impressions are paramount. If you leave someone a bitter afterimage, they usually use it as a filter to judge subsequent posts, and the shadow just grows exponentially. Since most people don't like to admit they're wrong, trying to convince them that they've unjustly branded you tends to put them even further on the offensive, which only exacerbates the situation. For the most part, people are much more willing to bestow approval than to acknowledge defeat. Thus, as I'm sure you're aware of, in many forums, it's not so much about intelligence and evidence as it is about adaptation and tact. It's a bit bothersome, yes, but that's just the way it is.

Originally Posted by MrRubix View Post
I'm trying to work a bit at being more humble, since I tend to get carried away from time to time. As most of my arrogance stems from bitterness and jealousy, I have to remember that while my situation has sucked, I have a decent life right now that many, many others would love to have, and so I have to be thankful and humble for my good luck.
At least you're aware of it and have reasons to back it up. It's a shame that your foray into FFR/ODI forumgoing went the way it did. You've definitely toned it down several notches since then (though I guess part of it is from no longer having the scores catalyst and whatnot), so most of the drama has faded. That is, at least on the FFR side of things; ODI, unfortunately, is much more unforgiving (but in your case it's not like there's anything worth salvaging anyways).

tl;dr - the explanation cleared things up a lot
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