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Old 06-29-2009, 08:05 AM   #9
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Default Re: Message to admins.......RESET PROFILE CHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


just be patient. IIRC synthlight is the only person that can restart profile chat. making yet another thread asking for it to be reset isn't going to help much =/

edit, ok so i actually read what you posted.
Originally Posted by bobeck2 View Post

4. Further notices
If its seems like i'm bitching... maybe because I AM. I'm extremely frustrated with the lack of support or response from those who can help. I've tried to be patient, I've done practically everything to get it reset, from kindly entreating, to asking almost every mod i saw, to pms, to wall comments, to form posts, etc. and the lack of response or action has forced me to write this seemingly demanding post. Please don't ask me to ''just be patient" or "just use an alt" because i've been told that 2 months ago. 3 months is more than patient, and using an alternate account does not solve the problem, nor will it allow me to be a subbie inn the chat room and further, switching between accounts is annoying and burdensome.

5. Final comments
So, in case you missed the point, PLEASE RESET PROFILE CHAT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. or at the VERY least respond to our pleas and give us a very good explanation of why it continues to be as it is (and the fact that ''synth is very busy'' doesn't cut it.

*A very unhappy FFR subscriber
well since being patient is the ONLY THING you can actually do, im going to say it again. BE PATIENT. Why can't you deal with Synth/Admins being busy? They have a life first and then FFR. It's not like they devot every waking hour to FFR and making sure every single person is happy. If you really wanted to use profile chat, MAKE AN ALT that is your exact username with an extra character. It's not that difficult to sign into a new account and then talk to people that way. and ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? you dont want to make an alt because your name will be black instead of blue. and you're too lazy to click log out and then typing in pretty much the EXACT same information with your alt to get into pro chat. same username +1 character and probably same password. doesn't seem annoying at all. and who cares if your a subby or not in pro chat. if ppl know who you are, does the color of your name really matter that much?

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it took longer to reset profile chat because of your post.

and to blue
Originally Posted by Blue Bird View Post

Please, someone do something about it. They've told us to wait, and so we have. What has that accomplished? NOTHING! And I have a feeling that unless we keep insisting, that's exactly where it's gonna stay at.
well people waited 6 years and avmisses were fixd. people wanted speed mods to be public and we waited and they finally went public. people wanted mirror mode and more speed mods and we waited and oh look, they are in the Beta right now. Sooner or later, it will be fixd. if people REALLY needed prochat, they would find a way to use it and be happy about it. its not like many of the people complaining are IP banned from prochat.

I want pro chat fixd too but reading the OP put me in a bad mood

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Last edited by Adamaja456; 06-29-2009 at 08:16 AM..
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