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Old 06-6-2009, 10:15 AM   #1
bob bob
This Is How We Do It~
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Default Bob bob's Challenge tourney!

Weclome To My First Proper Tourney!
Hi there, Im bob bob and this is going to be my first proper tourney on ffr. This tourney will be different to other tourneys, because instead of getting the highest score, you will have to do a certain challenge. There will be 3 types of challenge.

Pretty much what it says on the tin, get the highest/lowest amount of something on the song, for example, i may ask you to get the lowest amount of perfects on K8107, or highest amount of boos on Lost. You must pass the song for these to count.
2.Get closest to the score!
All you have to do is as close to the score as you can. For example, get as close to 750000 on Comfort betrays. BE WARNED! On some the score may be low, but you may still have to fc. You don't have to pass to post, unless I say you must FC.
3. Mod madness!
Basically, the same as the past two except with mods. For example, getting the highest amount of misses while on dizzy mod for Lawn wake IV.
Ill update when I can, but because i live in the UK, All time will be to GMT time. This may mean you may have to wait a while for an update, but i will try to do it as fast as I can.
Screen shots:
No shots from before the tourney will be accpeted, but make sure you have your stats showing so that i know it's you. Or, you can post your last 10 replays , whatever way is fine.
Prizes and Placements.
Prizes will be the same for all divisions, to help out the newer players to the site. I will be donating 50k Creds+ howmany i get during the course of the tourney. Donations are glady accepted, please send them to Bob bob.
I will place you where I think you should go. There will be 5 divisions, so that way it will be easier to place you. If you want to lend a hand, or correct me on a error I have made, feel free to PM me with your message. I will Ghost in Inter Division, just so i can have a go at my set challenges.
I can't win anything though.
Rounds are 3 days long.

But the most important thing, is that there is NO cheating. If you think anyone is, please PM me stating who think is cheating of having an alternate account.

Pm's can now be used to submit scores!

Also, I want all you guys to have fun with these challenges
FINAL! Ends 30th june at 5pm GMT!

Prize Pot:
Bob bob: 100k


Kjwkjw (WINNER!)

Advanced High Difficult/Mid FMO: Using sudden, get as many averages on The Divine Suicide of K [Heavy]
Megamanmaniac (2nd!)

LupineDreamer (3rd!)

Will08 (1st!)
Tangomango (2nd!)
Dreddshott (3rd!)

Pmonibuv1 (1st!)
ddrfeakdeejay (2nd!)
ddrmaster31593 (3rd!)
Best AAA's: NAINAI69, Eradication, Since 1983
Best Non AAA's: Gunkienen Tarusuigin, (1-0-1-1), Pandora (6-0-1-0) Rotary Slicers MISSFLAG
Waiting for 2 Million members...
5th Place: 7th Official Tournament D5

Last edited by bob bob; 07-1-2009 at 02:59 PM..
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