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Old 05-30-2009, 11:13 AM   #1991
Bynary Fission
Retired One-Hander
FFR Veteran
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Seattle, Washington
Age: 31
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Default Re: FFR's Top One Handers

Don't worry, I'm not dead. Momoko was kind enough to give me a subbie so I can update this thread once again.

I must side with the others, Alek - quitting because you feel nobody wants to challenge you even though they are there seems kinda dumb. I really want to start up FFR again - but I'm still adjusting to higher speedmods to play on 2.25x, because 2x is WAY too slow.

I'm glad to see you guys still remember this thread. I am really hoping that the tournament will start during the summer, and hopefully coinciding with my return to FFR.

As for the rest of you, I like the way you view one handing as opposed to spread - some people just don't seem to get it. I myself fully agree, and this is coming from a guy who stuck with one handing for almost a year and a half.

And now that Summer is upon us, get playing! I'll probably update the list in a few days if you guys express interest.
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