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Old 04-27-2009, 07:05 PM   #2331
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Default Re: The Wii is Here.

Originally Posted by nforcer06164 View Post
Uhhh... you're probably thinking of the developer, not the publisher. Treyarch blows, and they're behind the worst of the Call of Duty games. Infinity Ward is the superior developer. Activision is just the distribution arm.

I don't know enough about EA to comment on them, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a similar situation.
It's pretty much a combination of both. Back in the 90's a great game released was Half-Life. The publisher was Sierra something one or another because no big companies wanted to release it under their name. Turned out to be a great hit because Sierra didn't do anything to change the game around. They just stuck their name on it and clamed it like all publishers should.

What EA and Activision do is they make the games more kid friendly. They take out blood, profanity, and anything else to make it have a lower ESRB rating. The reason? To make it avaliable to everybody so more people would buy it. Well, that doesn't seem to work, just look at Halo. Great games, rated M, and kids seem to get around the "anyone under 17 isn't allowed to play" thing.

Although, now that I think about it... this game is already kid friendly isn't it? Screw it, it should be OK then...
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