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Old 02-5-2009, 08:41 PM   #1
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Default Is my dentist just looking to make a buck?

I went to the dentist today. No cavities. Healthy teeth. I just needed a cleaning. Every time I go in there he starts to pressure me about getting my wisdom teeth taken out. Every other day one of my friends is getting their wisdom teeth pulled, whether they are impacted or not. Mine are not impacted, they seem to be coming in just fine, and although they might be shifting my bottom teeth slightly I really don't give a flying crap. He said in coming years they are going to "bother" me. How are teeth that already grew in going to bother me? I'm especially suspicious because he was also trying to make a sales pitch about getting my teeth whitened, but when he held up the different shades of teeth mine were among the whitest. He quickly dropped it, and only then did he started badgering me again about my wisdom teeth.

Can someone please tell me if my dentist is legit or if he is just trying to make some money. I feel like this while wisdom extraction thing everyone goes through is a big scam. Has anyone gone against their dentist's wishes to pull out perfectly healthy teeth and suffered for it? Thanks.
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