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Old 09-24-2008, 02:41 PM   #1
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Default How to Make FFR Lag Less [Updated Version]

Having lag on FFR? Old thread not working good enough? Then try some of these steps to make FFR lag less for you. The more noticeable suggestions are listed first.

Note: This was done on a new gen. Macbook running Ubuntu Linux Hardy Heron 8.04 and Firefox 3.0, however most or all of these tips should work on any other OS or browser, including IE, Windows, and OS X.

Suggestion 1:
Suggestion 2:

Lower the quality of FFR. To do this, click the small letter "Q" in the top left corner of the FFR flash window until the graphics become low quality.

Suggestion 3:

On Firefox only, install AdBlock Plus from

Suggestion 4:

Set your browser's priority to the highest available. On windows this is done by hitting CTRL + ALT + DEL, selecting the "Processes" tab, finding your browser's process (usually just the name of your browser with the possibility of it being followed by a .exe), right clicking it, scrolling over "Change Priority", and setting it to the highest available, which is usually "Very High". On OS X this is done by opening a Terminal window (if you don't know how check in your System folder), typing "ps Ac" and finding your process, looking at it's number under the "Process ID" column, and then typing "sudo renice -20 PID". On Ubuntu Linux this is done by going to "System", scrolling over "Administration", going to "System Monitor", selecting both your broswer and "npviewer.bin" (FFR must be open), and setting the priority to "Very High".

Suggestion 5:

Disable images on FFR. Open up an FFR window and right click on any image, such as your icon. On Firefox click "Block images from". This can also be done a similar way in IE. To unblock the images in Firefox, hit CTRL + I, go to the "Media" tab, and uncheck "Block images from".

Suggestions 6:

In Windows, hit CTRL + ALT + DEL, go to the "Processes" tab, end the process "explorer.exe", go to "New Task", type in "explorer.exe" run FFR. This supposedly helps kill lag for Windows users.

Note: This suggestion is windows only.

Note: For best results, always make sure other windows and programs are closed, and you can always set unimportant but memory hogging processes to a lower priority.

Feel free to contribute. Hope this helps you guys out! Have fun!

(The original "Make FFR lag less and Run faster" thread is here: Thanks to Ertrax for the process method. Thanks to Zageron for the "explorer.exe" method. Thanks to Oni-Paranoia for the AdBlock Plus and quality method. Thanks to TC_Halogen for the method.)

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Last edited by Musiks; 09-25-2008 at 08:47 PM..
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