Thread: McCainSpace
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Old 08-28-2008, 06:59 PM   #30
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Default Re: McCainSpace

Originally Posted by OrganisM View Post
If you have no fact to back your reason, what kind of reason is it at all? From the way you type, it seems as if you're not completely sure.

I've looked around and the only particularly strong criticism of Obama's health care "ideas" comes from a figure that was an estimate by a guy who wrote for the New York Times. So I still see no concrete proof one way or another that the healthcare plan can't deliver.
I first want to say I actually like Obama over McCain, but I still pretty much hate both of them.

Okay well I guess I can explain my reasoning. I know I might seem like some idiot suddenly changing his mind from "I don't want to talk about it" to "Okay I will", but I've got nothing better to do.

So I just want to start out by saying that Obama's idea for Universal Healthcare is not a bad idea, I just feel like he is not completely thinking his entire plan out, like he is just taking on the bare bones of the issue. I think there needs to be more emphasis on ways to cut health care spending; for example the promotion of preventative care vs. treatment of disease.

Something else that doesn't seem to be taken into account is that there would need to be some tax-break incentive to private businesses to continue to subsidize employees’ insurance. If I were a business owner, why would I offer private insurance if my employees could get it from the government? Until a valid plan is offered that considers this, it don't think this plan of his will come to fruition. Personally, I am in favor of healthcare being offered to all Americans. However, I have yet to see a proposal I think could actually happen.

I'd like to quote Obama. “Since President Bush took office, the single fastest growing component of health care spending has been administrative costs and profits for insurance companies.” and yet in another speech Obama says he would “retain the private insurance system.”

What is the point of retaining the private insurance system? Until the profit motive is removed from the health care system the best we can hope for is incremental improvement? Due to the power of the insurance, pharmaceutical and health care industries there seems like no chance of a national health care system. Alright I think I've stated a good amount of my opinion on this matter.
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Last edited by cC@Zz; 08-28-2008 at 07:04 PM..
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