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Old 07-31-2008, 11:22 AM   #1
FFR Player
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Default Anyone Else Stuck? (Please Input)

Yo. I've been playing this game for a while now on and off... and I could definitiely remember the time when I thought that Standard songs like "Spontaneous Hydroxide" where to difficult to comprehend.
Now, I'm pretty okay FC'ing Very Difficult songs, but now I'm... stuck. I've been at this skill level for ages now. I promise you that I could easily comprehend any Very Difficult song, but when it comes to Challenging or above, I'm at a complete loss.
I keep trying to force myself to do them all the time, but I always fail out ):
I'm not really sure, but is there anyone else like this? Not necessarily at the Very difficult state, but at a point in your (excuse my dorkdom) FFR career, do you just... stop getting better?
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