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Old 05-4-2008, 03:31 AM   #34
Wait... what?
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Default Re: Bus accident :).

I was walking up to an intersection one day and I go to step off the curb and this ****ing guy comes screaming in off the highway and I missed him by roughly 3 feet.

I was 12 and riding in a van and we got gently raped by a F150.

I was riding in my homeschool teachers car and we were making a left and I see this big honkin SUV to my right slam on the breaks and narrowly miss us.

Me and my dad were riding our bikes and I scoot across these train tracks because the lights had come down and the train was at this other set of lights about 100-150 meters away and my dad decides to cross and misses the train by ten feet or so. The guy in the train yeeled at him.

Oh and one last one, I was at an indoor/outdoor go-kart track and I was coming down the straitaway and I couldn't stop. So I end up slamming into the wall going 20-30mph.
Originally Posted by Afrobean
Come on, guys, this isn't rocket surgery
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I may be an ass, but I'm usually a very correct ass.
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I'm like, totally in love with like, Justin like Bieber. I like don't just like, like him.. I like, like like him. Like totally.
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